Why You Can" t Be Without A Florida Renters Insurance Policy
If you are thinking of settling in the Florida area, landlords may start requiring in the terms of the lease for you to have a Florida renters insurance policy just to get in the door. It may seem an inconvenience initially but as you'll soon realize, it serves and protects both the lessor and lessee. It's a Win-Win arrangement that serves all parties concerned.
Homeowners have home insurance, and renters have renters insurance. The former only covers loss and damage to the building and premises they own but does not cover the belongings and properties of the renter. Thats where renters insurance comes in. Unfortunately, accidents and unplanned events happen all the time and that's just life. The question that remains now is how do you reasonably protect yourself against these contingencies without breaking the bank?
Florida renters insurance (if you're in Florida) not only protects your assets such as clothing, furniture, jewelry, appliances, electronic equipment and other prized possessions,but you can feel more assured that all your living expenses are also fully covered should you need to move during property repairs and whatnot. For one reason or another some areas are just naturally susceptible to natural and man-made disasters and accidents including theft, robbery, vandalism not excluding floods, fires, lightning strikes etc., dependent on the specific Florida renters insurance policy you decide to sign-up for. If you live in riskier neighborhoods in Florida, renters insurance is trully an absolute must!
So far we've covered protection to properties and possessions but What about protection to life? Unfortunately accidents don't just happen to non-sentient, easily replaced inanimate things. Accidents may also happen to friends and acquaintances visiting you. You'll be relieved to know that Florida renters insurance also covers you against third party liabilities should someone get injured while on a visit. This provides an additional blanket of security against personal injuries and other related accidents that may occur in the premises.
I've only briefly touched on the many benefits of signing with a good Florida renters insurance policy. If at this point you are wondering how much this is gonna cost you? The good news is you can have that extra peace of mind of having tens of thousands of dollars worth of property protection and up to $100,000 protection against personal liability lawsuits at less than $200 a year. Given all the benefits and protection you can get with this inexpensive insurance policy? Don't let another day go by without the protection only a Florida renters insurance policy can give you.
Homeowners have home insurance, and renters have renters insurance. The former only covers loss and damage to the building and premises they own but does not cover the belongings and properties of the renter. Thats where renters insurance comes in. Unfortunately, accidents and unplanned events happen all the time and that's just life. The question that remains now is how do you reasonably protect yourself against these contingencies without breaking the bank?
Florida renters insurance (if you're in Florida) not only protects your assets such as clothing, furniture, jewelry, appliances, electronic equipment and other prized possessions,but you can feel more assured that all your living expenses are also fully covered should you need to move during property repairs and whatnot. For one reason or another some areas are just naturally susceptible to natural and man-made disasters and accidents including theft, robbery, vandalism not excluding floods, fires, lightning strikes etc., dependent on the specific Florida renters insurance policy you decide to sign-up for. If you live in riskier neighborhoods in Florida, renters insurance is trully an absolute must!
So far we've covered protection to properties and possessions but What about protection to life? Unfortunately accidents don't just happen to non-sentient, easily replaced inanimate things. Accidents may also happen to friends and acquaintances visiting you. You'll be relieved to know that Florida renters insurance also covers you against third party liabilities should someone get injured while on a visit. This provides an additional blanket of security against personal injuries and other related accidents that may occur in the premises.
I've only briefly touched on the many benefits of signing with a good Florida renters insurance policy. If at this point you are wondering how much this is gonna cost you? The good news is you can have that extra peace of mind of having tens of thousands of dollars worth of property protection and up to $100,000 protection against personal liability lawsuits at less than $200 a year. Given all the benefits and protection you can get with this inexpensive insurance policy? Don't let another day go by without the protection only a Florida renters insurance policy can give you.