Business & Finance Home Based Business

How To Write Your Money Making E-Book The Free & Easy Way!

There are people out there on the World Wide Web who have fantastic stories, years of experience and masses of expertise that they could profitably share with the rest of us. There are affiliate marketers out there who are scraping by selling other people's products because they can't quite manage to develop their own. And there are would-be authors, and potential experts who are struggling with that most difficult of Online Business problems... Sitting down and writing that best-selling Ebook!

This simple technique will get you started on your Ebook. And as an added bonus will give you 26 articles to start the traffic drive to your website.

Make an A-Z list of words associated with your niche or with the topic of your book. If you get stuck you can use Google's keyword tools to give you some suggestions. Once you have one or more words under each of the letters of the alphabet, (and you may need a bit of a sense of humour when it comes to x,y, and z,) you take a fresh piece of paper and a pen and let your thoughts on each word spill out onto the paper. And here's the trick - Write with your eyes closed! I know it sounds odd, but it really does work!

Yes, you'll write plenty of nonsense, and some of it you won't be able to read, but it'll give you a starting point. Somehow, writing with your eyes closed lowers the inhibitions you feel about putting your thoughts down on paper. And when you're starting out just getting those first words written is the biggest hurdle to overcome. Once you've got some ideas down you can start work... but without those first wild ideas there's no hope of a finished E-Book.

All you have to do is to turn the words into a 400 word article. Sound difficult? Take it slow! Take it one word at a time and develop the themes that emerged from your eyes-closed flow-writing. Write as if you were talking to a friend next to you, and if you come to a stop just close your eyes and keep writing! Write rubbish, write nonsense, but keep writing! Sometimes you have to write out all the rubbish to get to the good stuff.

Some people are afraid their writing won't be good enough... Or that they haven't written anything before, or maybe they don't know where to start. Writing, like most things worth doing, is something you have to practise at and improve upon if you want to get better. It's also worth remembering that there are no perfect writers. There are good writers and bad writers and bad writers get to be good writers by keeping on writing!

Get out that pen and paper! Nobody will see what you write, unless you show it to them, and you don't have to show it to them until you want to. And remember... you have nothing to fear but fear itself!

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