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Romans 2:1 - 16 Bible Study - The Righteous Judgment of God

Romans 2:1 - 16 talks about the fair judgment of God.
God will judge everyone according to their deeds on the judgment day.
Anyone who did not faithfully obey God's commandments will be punished.
Those who faithfully obey God's commandments will receive rewards from God.
Each of us will be held accountable for every word we say with our mouth.
We have no right to judge others because only God is the judge.
Jesus Christ is the judge that will judge everyone on the judgment day.
The words that you speak with your mouth is powerful.
We should never use our mouth to pronounce curses on other people because it can causes curses to fall on them (Proverbs 18:21).
We should not judge others and talk behind their backs.
Many Christians have the habit of gossiping about other people's business.
Gossiping about other people's business is a sin.
If you saw someone do wrong, you should talk to the person about it so that he can be edified and walk on the right path.
However, you should not point out the person's wrong in front of the public.
Instead, you should speak to the person about his sin in private.
If the person refuses to listen to your advice, you can bring two more persons to advice him of his wrongdoing.
If the person still refuse to listen, you should report it to the church.
Christians should not make judgment on the servants of God.
Since they are God's servants, God will deal with them by himself.
We should not judge the people who are chosen by God to be his servants.
If you judge others, you are condemning yourself (Matthew 7:1; Luke 6:37).
God is a fair God.
God gives everyone the same treatment.
God is holy and no one can come to him except through Jesus Christ.
Righteousness is credited to those who have put their faith in Christ.
God loves us very much by giving his only begotten son to us.
Jesus Christ abandoned all the heavenly splendor and came down to die for our sins.
The blood of Jesus Christ will wash away your sins if you sincerely repent.
Your sins will not automatically wiped out after you accepted Jesus Christ.
You must confess every single sin you have committed to God if you want him to forgive you.
Christians must read the Bible so that they know how to live their lives according to God's commandments.
Christians must carry their cross daily and put God in priority in their lives.
Every day, you should read the Bible.
The most important commandment in the Bible is to love God with all your heart and soul and love one another as you love yourself.
If you love one another, you must help others when you see them in need.
You should always live in peace with your enemies.
Every day, you should set apart a time of devotion to God, in which you worship and pray to God.
Whenever you face problem, you must discuss it with God and trust in him that he can help you.
If you love God and obey his commandments, you will be able to inherit eternal life.
Christians that sin will receive punishment from God just as unbelievers.
For the unbelievers, the conscience serve as God's law written on their hearts.
The conscience tells us whether it is right or wrong to do a thing.
Believers have the Holy Spirit dwelling in them.
The Holy Spirit is the voice that speaks to you in your heart.
When you do something wrong, the Holy Spirit will tell you that you are doing wrong and ask you not do it.
You must not ignore the Holy Spirit and do wrong nevertheless.
Ephesians 4:30 states that we should not grieve the Holy Spirit.

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