Health & Medical Diabetes

More Evidence Weight-Loss Surgery Helps Fight Type 2 Diabetes

More Evidence Weight-Loss Surgery Helps Fight Type 2 Diabetes

Weight-Loss Surgery Helps Fight Type 2 Diabetes

Bariatric procedures beat drug therapy in easing the disease over the long term, study found

The new study is among the first to suggest that these benefits last over time, Rubino's team said.

This study also found that, over five years, the heart risk of people who'd undergone weight-loss surgery was about half that of those in the drug treatment group. Also, patients who had weight-loss surgery were less likely to have diabetes-related complications such as heart attack, stroke and kidney disease.

None of the patients in the surgery group died or had long-term complications.

The researchers noted that while people in the bariatric surgery groups lost more weight than people treated with drug therapy, weight loss alone didn't predict whether or not diabetes would recede. That suggests that the benefits of surgery in curbing type 2 diabetes may rely on more than just shedding excess pounds, the British team said.

The two methods of weight-loss surgery included in the study were gastric bypass or biliopancreatic diversion. According to the study authors, the former involves a shrinking of the size of the stomach and a rerouting of part of the small intestine, while the latter involves a more extensive intestinal bypass.

There were pros and cons to each method, the team found: More people saw their diabetes go into remission with biliopancreatic diversion, but patients who got gastric bypass had fewer nutritional side effects and had better quality of life overall.

In assessing the effectiveness of surgical and drug therapy, the British team looked at outcomes such as blood sugar control, the need for diabetes and heart medications, cholesterol levels, complications from diabetes or the bariatric surgery, and overall quality of life.

The researchers stressed that this was a relatively small trial and a much larger trial is warranted before firm conclusions can be drawn.

Nevertheless, the trial "shows that surgery is quite durable in the long term -- for at least five years," Schauer said. "And, that the procedure is relatively safe with a very low complication rate."

However, like any invasive procedure, weight-loss surgery comes with risks and recovery time, and it can be expensive. The cost of weight-loss surgery varies, but the U.S. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) estimates the cost is generally between $20,000 and $25,000. Insurance coverage for the procedure depends on the insurance company.

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