How Writing Can Elevate and Accelerate Your Business
Writing whether it be for blogs, articles, eBooks or paperback books can tremendously boost your exposure, credibility and expert status.
Even writing comments in social media platforms and niche groups can rapidly move your business forward.
Are you ready to spend your time more efficiently? Traditional networking that involves physically going to actual events and groups to make new connections and share leads is still a valuable way to grow your business, but how many people did you reach personally at the last event you attended? If it was a typical networking event with 20-30 people in attendance, you may have walked away with a few good conversations that merit follow-up and a handful of business cards.
You may or may not effectively use those business cards or even follow-up with the strong connections you made at the event.
That all depends on whether or not you have developed a system for follow-up.
Let's consider driving time to and from the event.
You may have spent four hours of your time invested in this event with only a small number of real, viable new connections.
Was it worth it? I am a big fan of networking events and face to face connecting with people.
I even have my own networking organization.
Sometimes that direct exposure is priceless, but I find that my reach is rather small compared to what I can do in four hours on the internet and with writing in particular.
You may be very disciplined in follow-up from events you attend.
You may have a system in place and follow it diligently.
But you may want to consider doing less in person networking and experiment with more online networking.
First, it saves you gas and maintenance on your car.
You will be spending less in your networking budget for the fees to attend or join the live groups and events as well.
When you write and work online, most of it is free.
So if you took that four hour allotment of time to go to a live event with questionable value, what could you do instead and how many people could you reach? Here is an idea of what you could do for a trial of writing for four hours that done consistently might elevate and accelerate your business beyond your wildest dreams.
Have a blog and write a new post 1-3 times a week.
Feel free to use guest bloggers and article and video reviews on occasion, but write at least one a week yourself.
Convert at least one of those posts into an article and submit it to 1-3 article sites.
Visit other blogs and read them gaining new ideas, sharing and commenting on what you read.
Engage conversations in the writing community.
Utilize LinkedIn Groups.
Search for ones related to your industry and participate in the discussions.
Ask questions, answer questions, make comments.
Become known in the groups best suited to your line of work and direction.
Begin to save and compile your best original blog posts into a possible eBook or real book.
Consider a focus and become an expert.
Your blogs and articles can easily be converted into book form over time.
Dedicate an hour to actually writing your book.
Having your own book out in public lifts your credibility immensely.
Self-publishing has made this a viable option for the average person to achieve.
You may also take one of your four hours and make it a power hour on social media.
Visit several sites and interact with comments, questions, inviting friends and business acquaintances to connect and do some house keeping and clean-up.
So let's review how you could spend four hours writing and working on your business for no or low cost.
First hour-write for your blog and post.
Convert this blog into an article and post to one of the three sites mentioned.
Second hour-blog tour and LinkedIn group comments and interaction.
Third hour-write your book.
Yes, get busy and just write! Fourth hour-social media power hour.
How many people do you think you might reach in those four hours and how much progress might you make in getting your book done if you did that consistently even once a week? What if you did that every other day or if you are highly energized and motivated, every day for a trial of three months? You can still attend events live to have a reason to get out of your robe and slippers, but you will quickly realize how expansive and accelerating the internet can be with consistent application of this experiment.
Even writing comments in social media platforms and niche groups can rapidly move your business forward.
Are you ready to spend your time more efficiently? Traditional networking that involves physically going to actual events and groups to make new connections and share leads is still a valuable way to grow your business, but how many people did you reach personally at the last event you attended? If it was a typical networking event with 20-30 people in attendance, you may have walked away with a few good conversations that merit follow-up and a handful of business cards.
You may or may not effectively use those business cards or even follow-up with the strong connections you made at the event.
That all depends on whether or not you have developed a system for follow-up.
Let's consider driving time to and from the event.
You may have spent four hours of your time invested in this event with only a small number of real, viable new connections.
Was it worth it? I am a big fan of networking events and face to face connecting with people.
I even have my own networking organization.
Sometimes that direct exposure is priceless, but I find that my reach is rather small compared to what I can do in four hours on the internet and with writing in particular.
You may be very disciplined in follow-up from events you attend.
You may have a system in place and follow it diligently.
But you may want to consider doing less in person networking and experiment with more online networking.
First, it saves you gas and maintenance on your car.
You will be spending less in your networking budget for the fees to attend or join the live groups and events as well.
When you write and work online, most of it is free.
So if you took that four hour allotment of time to go to a live event with questionable value, what could you do instead and how many people could you reach? Here is an idea of what you could do for a trial of writing for four hours that done consistently might elevate and accelerate your business beyond your wildest dreams.
Have a blog and write a new post 1-3 times a week.
Feel free to use guest bloggers and article and video reviews on occasion, but write at least one a week yourself.
Convert at least one of those posts into an article and submit it to 1-3 article sites.
Visit other blogs and read them gaining new ideas, sharing and commenting on what you read.
Engage conversations in the writing community.
Utilize LinkedIn Groups.
Search for ones related to your industry and participate in the discussions.
Ask questions, answer questions, make comments.
Become known in the groups best suited to your line of work and direction.
Begin to save and compile your best original blog posts into a possible eBook or real book.
Consider a focus and become an expert.
Your blogs and articles can easily be converted into book form over time.
Dedicate an hour to actually writing your book.
Having your own book out in public lifts your credibility immensely.
Self-publishing has made this a viable option for the average person to achieve.
You may also take one of your four hours and make it a power hour on social media.
Visit several sites and interact with comments, questions, inviting friends and business acquaintances to connect and do some house keeping and clean-up.
So let's review how you could spend four hours writing and working on your business for no or low cost.
First hour-write for your blog and post.
Convert this blog into an article and post to one of the three sites mentioned.
Second hour-blog tour and LinkedIn group comments and interaction.
Third hour-write your book.
Yes, get busy and just write! Fourth hour-social media power hour.
How many people do you think you might reach in those four hours and how much progress might you make in getting your book done if you did that consistently even once a week? What if you did that every other day or if you are highly energized and motivated, every day for a trial of three months? You can still attend events live to have a reason to get out of your robe and slippers, but you will quickly realize how expansive and accelerating the internet can be with consistent application of this experiment.