Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

How to Calm Your Papillon

    • 1). Socialize with your papillon. They have superior intelligence and crave attention from their owners and love to cuddle. Spend time with him. His pack instincts are strong and he must never be allowed to think he is the boss. If he does wrong, he must understand that you will not put up with it. Dogs respond to your tone of voice. Show him when he has done wrong by raising your voice and always remember to praise him and stroke him when he does anything good.

    • 2). Take your papillon for a long walk every day. Papillons are highly agile and athletic and need help to work off some of that boundless energy. Ideally, he needs to go some place where you can let him off the leash and allow him to run and perhaps chase a ball or Frisbee. If you do not channel his energy into positive activities it can lead to negative behavior like chewing and barking.

    • 3). Buy toys for your papillon. Keep his toys in a basket or tub that is low enough for him to reach into. Encourage him to play with the toys and make time to romp around with him every day. Papillons like to chew, and if they have their own toys they are less likely to chew your things.

    • 4). Consider going to professional training classes. If you believe that you are not winning the battle with your papillon, the best thing you can do is allow a professional dog trainer to help you. Papillons make wonderful loyal companions, and time spent with a professional will be well-rewarded.

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