Technology Electronics

How to Rewire Your Earbuds

    • 1). Unscrew the front cover of one of the earbuds. These will either twist off or may be pried off with a small jeweler's screwdriver.

    • 2). Pull the top portion of the earbud speaker slightly away from the base of the earbud. The wiring will now be exposed where it connects to the terminals in the body of the earbud.

    • 3). Locate the wire that is disconnected and hanging loose from the terminal. Plug in your soldering iron and wait for it to warm up.

    • 4). Solder the wire to the terminal and wait for the solder to set.

    • 5). Fit the end of the earbud speaker back onto the body of the earbud. Secure the front cover by twisting or snapping it back on.

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