Health & Medical Cardiovascular Health

Can Sickle Cell Anemia Cause Strokes?

Updated December 30, 2014.

Question: Can Sickle Cell Anemia Cause Strokes?

Answer: Sickle cell anemia (SCA) is a condition in which a mutation in one of the genes related to the synthesis of hemoglobin undergoes a mutation that causes red blood cells to assume an odd shape characterized by rough edges and, sometimes, a sickle-like appearance.

This sickle-shaped red blood cells block the small capillaries through which blood must flow on its way to the different organs of the body such as the brain, the kidneys and the heart.

This leads to tissue damage and severe pain.

One of the consequences of having SCA is a greatly increased risk of stroke, especially in the face of dehydration, low blood pH, and low blood oxygen.

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