Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

Affiliate Marketing Income - How to Secure Your Affiliate Income Online

If you're looking to earn affiliate marketing income on a part-time or full-time basis it's very important to make sure that you build your business on a solid foundation.
In this article we'll talk about a very important component to making money with affiliate marketing that is critical to your long term success.
One very critical aspect that sets successful affiliate marketers apart from the many who fail to generate any significant amount of income online is the development of a subscriber base.
Many people get involved with affiliate marketing not realizing that the most productive way to build a flourishing online business is to develop a source of traffic that is familiar with who you are and comfortable with the recommendations you make.
This is the secret to the success of many of the top affiliate marketers online and it's the reason they are able to generate massive amounts of traffic to their sites in the blink of an eye.
Some of the top marketers online have list sizes upwards of 50,000 and far beyond.
It is said that the industry standard with regards the average subscriber value is $1.
Imagine having the ability to generate $1 per subscriber from a 50,000 person subscriber list.
This is why you'll continue to hear the saying: "the money is in the list".
Even if you're subscriber value fell in the.
50 per subscriber range, with 50,000 subscribers you could still earn a decent living on a month to month basis.
In addition to building a subscriber base, you can also leverage your contacts by providing them with opportunities to partner with you by becoming affiliates as well as offer to do mailings on their behalf for a small fee.
Having a large subscriber base gives you the leverage that driving traffic to a website just can't compete with.
If you are serious about building a long term stable income online with affiliate marketing, building a list of subscribers must be at the forefront of your business plan.

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