Technology Software

MTA File Extension

    Message Transfer Agent

    • MTA files associated with server message transfers may contain important information for your computer. If you use any sort of server with your computer, the MTA files are most likely legitimate message transfers that will not cause any harm to your system. These files are relatively small, so it is best to leave them on your computer unless you are certain that deleting them will not harm the server interaction.

    Samsung MTA

    • Samsung uses MTA files as part of its PC Share Manager software. This software allows you to connect certain HDTV models to your computer to share audio and video files. If you have this software installed on your computer, the MTA files most likely are from Samsung's software, and deleting them may interfere with your entertainment system's operation.

    Microsoft Flight Simulator

    • The Microsoft Corporation offers a game called Microsoft Flight Simulator that lets users fly virtual airplanes. This software stores some of its data in MTA file format. Even if you have uninstalled the program from your computer, some MTA files may remain from a previous installation of the game. These files are safe to delete as long as you no longer intend to use the game.


    • People who create malicious software often disguise it with normally harmless file extensions. Keeping your computer's security software current and running regular virus and spyware scans should protect you from most malicious software threats that use the MTA extension. If you choose to manually remove MTA files, create a backup and restore point using the Windows Backup and Restore utility so you can return your computer to its previous state if deleting the MTA files damages your system.

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