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PCAT Test: Do Not Forget To Take Important Things In The Examination Hall

PCAT test is as such that at times, the candidates might lose their nerves and start panicking before the examination. Do not feel bogged down by the pressure of the examination. Start your preparation early so that you get time for revision and at the same time can assess your qualities. While appearing for the examination, you need to keep in mind certain things and then work accordingly. Just before a day of your examination, when you are done with your PCAT preparation, you should remember and place your important documents in your bag so that you do not forget anything.

You need to arrive at your examination hall 30 minutes before the examination hall. If you arrive 15 minutes late than the scheduled time, then you would not be allowed to sit for the PCAT examination. Remember to carry your photo identity card (at least two), which has your signature in it. Other than the ID proofs, you should also carry your driver's license (if any) and Government issued license while you are appearing for the test. If you have Library bill, credit card or utility bill, you should carry everything with you to avoid any confusion. If there is any questionable case, then Pearson would review your case and see if you are eligible to take the examination.

Your digital photograph, signature, and fingerprint would also be taken before your examination to ensure full authenticity. If you fail to comply with the procedure of the test, then your PCAT score would be canceled and of Pearson wants, it can even bar you to take any other PCAT examination in future. You would be given an Acknowledgement page before your start your paper, if you do not press the "Yes" button and agree to all the terms and conditions of the examination then you would not be allowed to take the test. Read all your instruction carefully before taking the PCAT test. If you face any difficulty in understanding any instruction or question, feel free to ask your invigilator. Your invigilator would help you by instructing you the various rules and laws of test taking.

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