4 Quick and Effective Treadmill Workouts
Updated December 12, 2014.
If you don’t like the treadmill or you’re short on time, you can still burn a lot of calories and get an effective treadmill workout without spending a lot of time on the machine.
Here are four quick and effective (and also fun!) treadmill workouts:
1. 30-second Sprint Intervals
Whenever I do this workout, the time flies by and I’m soaked in sweat by the end. If you’ve never done any speedwork before, make sure you follow these rules for speed training.
- Start by walking at an easy pace for one minute. Continue warming-up with an easy jog for 5 minutes. You should be at a conversational pace. This will get your blood pumping and your muscles warm and ready for a workout.
- Pick up the pace to a hard effort (heavy breathing) for 30 seconds. Recover with 90 seconds of easy jogging.
- Repeat the sprint/recovery intervals 9 more times (18 minutes total):
- Finish with a 4-minute cooldown at an easy pace – easy jog or brisk walk.
Total treadmill time: 30 minutes
2. Side Stepping Workout
This workout combines running and walking with some good ‘ole side shuffles, which will really work your glutes and quads.
- Warm up by walking at an easy pace for one minute. Continue warming-up with an easy jog for 4 minutes.
- Return to walking pace and then, as you hold onto the side rail, turn your body to the side, get low in a squat position, and then start side-shuffling your feet. Don’t try to get fancy and cross one foot over the other. Continue side stepping for 30 seconds and then return to walking forward.
- Pick up the pace to an easy, conversational running pace for 2 minutes. Then bring the pace back down to walking for a 30-second interval of side shuffles on the other side.
- Continue with 2 minutes easy running/30 second of side shuffles (alternating sides) until you’ve been at it for 20 minutes.
- Finish with a 5-minute cooldown at an easy pace.
Total treadmill time: 30 minutes
3. Calorie-Blasting Pyramid Workout
This workout combines running and walking intervals and burns a ton of calories.
Start with a 3-minute warm up of easy jogging or brisk walking. Then do the following intervals:
- 30-second sprint/30-second walk
- 1-minute sprint/1-minute walk
- 2-minute sprint/1-minute walk
- 3-minute sprint/1-minute walk
- 4-minute sprint/1-minute walk
- 3-minute sprint/1-minute walk
- 2-minute sprint/1-minute walk
- 1-minute sprint/1-minute walk
- 30-second sprint/30-second walk
Finish with a 2-minute cooldown of easy jogging or brisk walking.
Total treadmill time: 30 minutes
4. Walk the Hills/Run the Flats
If you like alternating between running and walking, this is a good one for you. You’ll really work your glutes with the hills.
- Start with a 5-minute warm up of easy jogging or brisk walking.
- Increase the incline to 1% and walk for 1 minute.
- Lower incline to 0% and run at a comfortable pace for 1 minute.
- Increase the incline to 2% and walk for 2 minutes.
- Lower incline to 1% and run at a comfortable pace for 2 minutes.
- Increase the incline to 3% and walk for 3 minutes.
- Lower incline to 1% and run at a comfortable pace for 3 minutes.
- Increase the incline to 4% and walk for 4 minutes.
- Lower incline to 1% and run at a comfortable pace for 4 minutes.
- Finish with a 5-minute cooldown of easy jogging or brisk walking.
Total treadmill time: 30 minutes
More Treadmill Workouts and Advice: