A Short Glance Into The Negative Impact Of Obesity
Decades of research and medical expertise show how much obesity is detrimental to health. The health costs of obesity in 2010 for the US is enormous and is above 100 billion dollars per annum. What appears contradictory is the billions that are also used on weight reduction products each year. So there appears to be a struggle that is being waged for our well being. What is also very well known are the many processed foods and beverages so many people consume. The major issue with a lot of foods and drinks is they contain harmful varieties of fat and are packed with sugar. We will discuss several of the negative consequences to health caused by obesity.
Type 2 diabetes as a result of obesity has been escalating at an alarming rate in recent years. More younger people in their teenager years are obese, and doctors are seeing an upward spiral with type 2 diabetes. The role of obesity in this condition is to produce elevated resistance to the hormone, insulin. There is little question that years of ingesting high sugar content meals and beverages plays a tremendous role. For a long time, various alerts have been made about the use of high fructose corn syrup in numerous soft drinks and other common beverages. This compound is a lot like very concentrated sugar and can send glucose levels soaring.
Early difficulties involving joints are frequently a side effect of the obese condition. The principal places are the weight supporting joints like hips, knees and ankles. Any time the joints experience so much wear and tear, they will create other serious complications such as arthritis. Unfortunately the usual practice of joint replacing is not necessarily a viable option. While millions of people receive joint replacements, there exists a higher chance for good results with usual weight conditions. Certainly only a physician will make the final determination for those with abnormal weight problems. At the very least it can be a risky treatment as the heavy weight on the artificial joint can cause complications. The danger here is the large load on the artificial joint could cause it to be unstable.
There is greater risk for getting blood pressure complications when a person is obese. It appears that almost every major function by the body processes is challenged. The existence of so much fat is just a huge demand for oxygen that is supplied by the blood. So that therefore causes the heart to work much harder so it can supply what is necessary. The simple net effect is to produce a condition of higher blood pressure. In addition to the high blood pressure, the heart rate will probably be greater as well.
It is very obvious that obesity is a condition that severely impacts all capabilities of the body. But our discussion here today is only the tip of the iceberg with regards to all that is possible.
Type 2 diabetes as a result of obesity has been escalating at an alarming rate in recent years. More younger people in their teenager years are obese, and doctors are seeing an upward spiral with type 2 diabetes. The role of obesity in this condition is to produce elevated resistance to the hormone, insulin. There is little question that years of ingesting high sugar content meals and beverages plays a tremendous role. For a long time, various alerts have been made about the use of high fructose corn syrup in numerous soft drinks and other common beverages. This compound is a lot like very concentrated sugar and can send glucose levels soaring.
Early difficulties involving joints are frequently a side effect of the obese condition. The principal places are the weight supporting joints like hips, knees and ankles. Any time the joints experience so much wear and tear, they will create other serious complications such as arthritis. Unfortunately the usual practice of joint replacing is not necessarily a viable option. While millions of people receive joint replacements, there exists a higher chance for good results with usual weight conditions. Certainly only a physician will make the final determination for those with abnormal weight problems. At the very least it can be a risky treatment as the heavy weight on the artificial joint can cause complications. The danger here is the large load on the artificial joint could cause it to be unstable.
There is greater risk for getting blood pressure complications when a person is obese. It appears that almost every major function by the body processes is challenged. The existence of so much fat is just a huge demand for oxygen that is supplied by the blood. So that therefore causes the heart to work much harder so it can supply what is necessary. The simple net effect is to produce a condition of higher blood pressure. In addition to the high blood pressure, the heart rate will probably be greater as well.
It is very obvious that obesity is a condition that severely impacts all capabilities of the body. But our discussion here today is only the tip of the iceberg with regards to all that is possible.