Business & Finance Corporations

Every Time I Turn Around My Small Home Business Costs Me Money!

If you find yourself thinking "every time I turn around, my small home business cost's me money.
" you are not alone.
I told my daughter this when she was growing up and it seamed so nonchalant at the time but it has resurfaced for both of us over and over again and rings more true al the time.
I told her simply "you work hard to put money into your pocket, and millions of people are working just as hard to figure out how to get it out of your pocket and into theirs.
" When it comes to home business's and the internet (not unlike the outside world), that statement could not ring more true! Everyone is trying to sell you something.
There are literally thousands of people starting new home business's every day, that have never done anything like that before.
They are looking for the information they need to be successful.
They want to learn and want to be successful and everyone knows that.
The problem is..
everyone knows that! The economy stinks and in my opinion is only going to get worse.
(I hope I'm wrong.
) Millions of people are unemployed, underemployed or simply cant work enough jobs to pay the ever increasing cost of living.
Sound familiar? That's not including all the baby boomers retiring to find they need a little more money at the end of the month to live anywhere close to the way they dreamed about.
Or are simply not ready to quit working just yet.
If you find yourself one of the millions thinking about starting your own small home business, let me try to save you a little time and money.
First off realize there is a whole group of individuals out there "making their living" out of selling you the information they say you need to be successful in your new business.
That IS their business.
They make their living selling you information to be successful.
Sometimes the information is valuable, sometimes not so much.
But you don't know until you fork out your hard earned money to find out.
Again and again and again! I'll let you in on a secret, if you can find a person that has obtained all that valuable "information" over time (lots of time, and money) and is WILLING to share that information with you for free, because they want to help you succeed.
How much would that relationship be worth to you? They are out there! Not a lot unfortunately but there are a few.
Secondly, there are literally thousands upon thousands of opportunities out there.
As mentioned in a previous article, there ARE some key things to look for before jumping in with both feet.
If you don't have, an honest company, with a great product (with mass appeal), and a terrific sponsor as a mentor, you are probably doomed.
Sorry to be so "negative" but I call it realistic.
The good news is there are great opportunities out there with wonderful products in high demand, if you take the time to find them.
Which brings me to sponsors.
Most will promise you the moon and the sun to get you to sign up under them to fill their board and get paid only to never see or hear from them again.
Thank you very much.
There are however good sponsors out there that realize that their success rides strongly on your success.
How many business's in the brick and mortar world would succeed with crapy employees that didn't show up, didn't work, and didn't care! NONE! A good sponsor or business partner realizes that the better you succeed the more it benefits them.
They will be there for you to help you when you need it, make sure you have the tools and information you need to be successful and show you how to use them for maximum return on your investment.
Their investment.
Lastly, stay away from anything or anyone that promotes "get rich quick" THERE IS NO SUCH THING!!! Stay away from anything or anyone that tries to convince you that all you have to do is buy in and wait, the money will come, you don't have to DO ANYTHING.
It simply does not work that way.
If you are not willing to put in some hard work and invest at least a little money, you are wasting your time, your sponsors time "if he cares" and whatever amount of money you have SPENT on it.
To sum up, I guess what I am trying to tell you is BE CAREFUL! But don't get discouraged.
There ARE great opportunities out there, and yes a few good sponsors that want to help you.
The truly great ones have all the information you need to be successful, and are willing to share that with you for FREE!! If they start asking for money, walk away! We have talked in depth in previous articles about many of these things.
If you find the right opportunity and the right sponsor, and apply proven methods your success is inevitable.
The main reasons 95% of new small business's fail is because people: Buy into a get rich quick scam.
THEY DON'T EXIST! Think they can get on board and let everyone else work and they will get paid just for being involved.
WONT HAPPEN! Get hooked by a bad "sponsor" and are left for dead.
sorry it happens.
a lot.
Get overwhelmed by all the so called "must haves" only to run out of money and or get discouraged.
Don't have the time, ambition or desire to WORK the business.
These are just a few.
If you can avoid these hurdles.
If your glass is always half full.
If in your opinion " a little hard work never hurt anyone.
" If you KNOW you can succeed if given the proper tools and information.
Then starting your own small business could be one of the most rewarding things you have ever done.
People ARE changing their lives every day by creating their OWN economy! WHY NOT YOU?

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