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How to Get Paprika Out of Carpet

    • 1). Attach the upholstery nozzle to your vacuum hose.

    • 2). Vacuum up the dry paprika, being careful not to push the spice deeper into the carpet. For this reason, don’t push the heavy vacuum over the carpet. Work the carpet with your fingers while vacuuming. Work until you’ve removed as much of the dry spice as possible.

    • 3). Mix 2 drops of liquid dish soap with 1 cup of lukewarm water.

    • 4). Dip a cloth into the solution and wring it out. Blot the cloth over the paprika stain to remove the color. If you can still see the paprika color, continue to the next step.

    • 5). Mix 1 tbsp. of ammonia with 1 cup of lukewarm water. Blot the solution directly on the stain until it's completely gone.

    • 6). Mist the area with water from a spray bottle and blot dry. Repeat until all of the cleaning solution residue is gone from the carpet.

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