About Immigration Attorneys
- Immigration is federal; therefore, anyone can hire an immigration attorney anywhere in the United States. The attorney does not have to reside in your state.
- Immigration attorneys deal with numerous types of immigration laws. Therefore, you need to find the right attorney that specializes in whatever it is you need.
- Illegal immigration is a complex area of immigration that absolutely requires an experienced immigration attorney that does not have a negative record with the Attorney Bar Association. Check with the association before you hire any attorney.
- Immigration attorneys can be very expensive. Some charge over $1,000 to fill out the most simple form. It is always best to shop around. If you don't have the money upfront, remember that some offer payment plans.
- If an attorney tells you that your case is too complicated or not winnable, it's always important to get a second opinion. Many fresh attorneys just starting out with immigration do not fully understand immigration law.
- This is a particular area of immigration that requires an attorney who deals with these types of waivers on a consistent basis. Never hire an attorney that has no or little experience with this. If an attorney pauses after asking if he has dealt with I 601 waivers, take it as a no. Move on in your search.
- Always request references and samples of work from any attorney before getting into a client relationship with him.