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Office Cleaning Tips to Boost Performance

A cluttered workspace is often the sign of a cluttered mind, according to New Age gurus.
If you're known as the clutter-bug at the workplace and your work console has been labeled a toxic waste dump, it's time to get your act together and learn some office cleaning tips to de-clutter your space - and your mind.
Here are some tips to help you keep your work console neat and tidy.
Get Organized: The first thing to do is assign a place for everything.
If you have drawers, label them according to what they will contain.
For example, you could have one drawer for stationary, another for files pertaining to a particular project or for urgent tasks that need to be handled.
Use your imagination and common sense to organize your workspace so that all your items are close at hand and easy to find when you need them 2.
Prioritize your Tasks: Items and documents required for urgent work can be kept close at hand, while those that are not a priority can be sorted and filed away.
Doing this will help you focus on the present task and give your full attention to it without distracting yourself with other stuff cluttering your desk.
Sort Your Documents: Sort documents according to the task, project, urgency, or any other parameter that applies to your work.
Use separate trays, files or folders to file them away and label them accordingly.
That way, when you need a document you'll know exactly where it is and how to find it.
Dump the Junk: Don't be a packrat.
This is your workplace, not an antique showroom or recycling warehouse.
Any stuff you don't need and that you'll never have any use for, such as old pins, leftover printing paper and empty bags can be given away or donated to someone who needs them.
Don't clutter your desk with anything but the essentials required for your work.
Practice Good Hygiene: You can easily catch a bug or the flu from other people who handle your telephone, computer and other items on your desk.
Keep your workplace germ and dust-free and maintain good hygiene by using a spray and soft cloth to sanitize surfaces regularly.
Remember to use proper safety precautions while cleaning delicate electrical equipment.
If you're not sure of what office cleaning products to use, get advice from a professional.
Stay Organized: Get into the habit of filing away completed tasks and focusing on immediate priorities.
It will help you become more efficient and make essential items easier to find when required.
It takes around 21 days to create a new habit, so you'll need to practice these tips for a while before your messy habits become a thing of the past.
Hire an Office Cleaning Service: Of course, this is a decision for the management.
But whether you're a decision maker or a mere cog in the wheel, you can always suggest that your organization hire a professional office cleaning service that takes over specialized tasks - like cleaning equipment, upholstery and maintaining general hygiene.
Unless you're the creative sort who works out of home and likes things messy, it's true that that having a clean office can help you work more efficiently, find things you need quickly and improve your overall performance on the job.
With the help of your office cleaning service and some acquired good habits, your console will not only become a pleasant place to work, but also create a good impression on those who matter.

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