How To Network Like A Rockstar And Get Hot Leads For Your Business!
As savvy women entrepreneurs, we are each faced with things that will force us to stretch out of our comfort zones. For many of us, going to an event where we don't know anyone causes butterflies in the tummy. The best way to get over it is to adopt the right mindset and have a PLAN!
The Master Networkers Mindset
Remember, everyone at the event is in the same boat as you! You are not alone so reach out to people and bring them into your world with compassion and warmth. You never know who is sitting next to you. A relationship with that person could propel your business to another level, so don't take anyone for granted.
Most people who attend these meetups don't have a focus and a plan. They just show up and flounder around. You are not one of them! You will attend the event with a sharp focus, set healthy boundaries, and don't let people waste your time. You will meet all sorts of people who are there for various reasons. Be open, direct, and brief with people whose businesses are not compatible with yours and move on quickly so you can meet people who can be clients, referral partners, and joint venture partners.
A Referral Partner is someone who you can cross-refer clients with while a Joint Venture partner is someone who you can cross-refer and host a call, lead a teleseminar, etc. Make mental notes in your mind when any person falls into one of these 3 categories. And lastly HAVE FUN! When you are open and enjoying yourself people will be naturally attracted to and want to do business with you.
Here's Your Networking Rockstar Action Plan in 4 Easy Steps:
1) Register for free at and find groups in your area that your niche market will surely be hanging out with. Type the description of your ideal client as a key word. Find a group of people who are meeting THIS WEEK AND GO!! If it makes it easier, take a friend with you.
2) Be warm, friendly, and have your business card and elevator pitch ready. Be able to say within 2 sentences who you are, who you help, and what problems you solve.
3) Be on the lookout for these 3 kinds of people 1) Clients 2) Referral Partners 3) Joint Venture Partners. When you get home, immediately go through the business cards and mark each one as C, RF, JV and discard the rest (yes, it's sad but we need to be laser focused in reaching the people we can help the most and building our business.)
4) Within 48 hours, send out emails to those who made the cut and start building that relationship. Offer to add value to them and their business in any way you can either through introducing them to someone you know or referring them to a potential client who could really use their services. If it's a potential client, offer them a complimentary Strategy Session. If it's a Referral Partner or Joint Venture Partner, set up a phone conversation to discuss how you can work together to build you businesses. So simple and yet so few people actually do it. The Darters take charge! So, let's go out this week and DO IT! The more you do it, the easier it gets!
The Soul Entrepreneur is a business training company that provides women entrepreneurs with practical tools, strategies, and mentorship to profitably package, price, and promote their products and services and build successful, satisfying businesses.
The Master Networkers Mindset
Remember, everyone at the event is in the same boat as you! You are not alone so reach out to people and bring them into your world with compassion and warmth. You never know who is sitting next to you. A relationship with that person could propel your business to another level, so don't take anyone for granted.
Most people who attend these meetups don't have a focus and a plan. They just show up and flounder around. You are not one of them! You will attend the event with a sharp focus, set healthy boundaries, and don't let people waste your time. You will meet all sorts of people who are there for various reasons. Be open, direct, and brief with people whose businesses are not compatible with yours and move on quickly so you can meet people who can be clients, referral partners, and joint venture partners.
A Referral Partner is someone who you can cross-refer clients with while a Joint Venture partner is someone who you can cross-refer and host a call, lead a teleseminar, etc. Make mental notes in your mind when any person falls into one of these 3 categories. And lastly HAVE FUN! When you are open and enjoying yourself people will be naturally attracted to and want to do business with you.
Here's Your Networking Rockstar Action Plan in 4 Easy Steps:
1) Register for free at and find groups in your area that your niche market will surely be hanging out with. Type the description of your ideal client as a key word. Find a group of people who are meeting THIS WEEK AND GO!! If it makes it easier, take a friend with you.
2) Be warm, friendly, and have your business card and elevator pitch ready. Be able to say within 2 sentences who you are, who you help, and what problems you solve.
3) Be on the lookout for these 3 kinds of people 1) Clients 2) Referral Partners 3) Joint Venture Partners. When you get home, immediately go through the business cards and mark each one as C, RF, JV and discard the rest (yes, it's sad but we need to be laser focused in reaching the people we can help the most and building our business.)
4) Within 48 hours, send out emails to those who made the cut and start building that relationship. Offer to add value to them and their business in any way you can either through introducing them to someone you know or referring them to a potential client who could really use their services. If it's a potential client, offer them a complimentary Strategy Session. If it's a Referral Partner or Joint Venture Partner, set up a phone conversation to discuss how you can work together to build you businesses. So simple and yet so few people actually do it. The Darters take charge! So, let's go out this week and DO IT! The more you do it, the easier it gets!
The Soul Entrepreneur is a business training company that provides women entrepreneurs with practical tools, strategies, and mentorship to profitably package, price, and promote their products and services and build successful, satisfying businesses.