Options For Yeast Infection Treatment
Yeast infections can be very uncomfortable and irritating.
Therefore, you'll want to get rid of it as soon as you can.
Fortunately, there are many different options for a yeast infection treatment.
Keep reading to learn about some of them.
The most common way that women treat a yeast infection is through use of fungal cream.
This is available over-the-counter, but stronger medications are available by prescription.
Creams such as Monistat will get rid of the infection in just a few days to a week.
Many women stop using the cream as soon as their symptoms go away.
However, it's very important that you take the full course of treatment.
You may not notice symptoms, but the infection can still be present.
Another common option for a yeast infection treatment is yogurt.
That's right, you can use the simple dessert that you can get at any grocery store.
Yogurt contains beneficial bacteria that helps bring the infection causing specimens under control.
There are quite a few ways that you can use yogurt as a yeast infection treatment.
You can simply eat a few cups everyday over the course of a week or two.
You could also put a few tablespoons directly into your vagina.
If it's diluted with water, it can also be used as a douche.
You also have the option of using tablets that contain the active ingredient in yogurt.
These lactobacillus tablets are designed to be inserted directly into your vagina.
You can find them at a health food store or pharmacy.
Another yeast infection treatment that's been proven effective is boric acid.
Boric acid is available in capsules that you put into your vagina.
This course of treatment usually lasts about a week.
It's best for you to consult a doctor before trying boric acid however.
There are plenty of things that you can try at home in order to relieve your yeast infection symptoms.
Garlic, something that you probably already have in your kitchen, has anti-fungal properties.
Eating garlic cloves may help treat an infection, but will also go a long way towards preventing them in the first place.
Another item that you can use from your kitchen as a yeast infection treatment is vinegar.
You should dilute a few tablespoons of vinegar with water and use it as a douche.
This should be done for about a week.
Although it's proven to work in many cases, it doesn't work for all women however.
A common symptom of yeast infection is itching and burning.
That's one of the main reasons that women look to get rid of the problem as soon as possible.
Rubbing rosemary on the area will help relieve this.
You can also make tea of rosemary and use it as a douche.
You may be surprised to find out that cranberries can also help you fight yeast infections.
Cranberries help make your vaginal secretions more acidic, so it will combat the invading yeast better.
You can simply drink the cranberry juice over the course of a few days.
It's important that you only drink an unsweetened variety or you may make the problem even worse.
Your diet plays a role in yeast infection treatment too.
The type of foods that you eat may make the problem worse.
Of course, eating right in the first place will go a long way towards preventing these infections in the first place.
There are a variety of foods that you should avoid while you have a yeast infection.
Most importantly, you should avoid sweet or any foods that contain a lot of sugar.
They will do nothing but provide the yeast with more food to eat.
You should also limit your consumption of baked goods and breads.
Beans, nuts, seeds, and pasta should also be limiting while you're fighting this condition.
Therefore, you'll want to get rid of it as soon as you can.
Fortunately, there are many different options for a yeast infection treatment.
Keep reading to learn about some of them.
The most common way that women treat a yeast infection is through use of fungal cream.
This is available over-the-counter, but stronger medications are available by prescription.
Creams such as Monistat will get rid of the infection in just a few days to a week.
Many women stop using the cream as soon as their symptoms go away.
However, it's very important that you take the full course of treatment.
You may not notice symptoms, but the infection can still be present.
Another common option for a yeast infection treatment is yogurt.
That's right, you can use the simple dessert that you can get at any grocery store.
Yogurt contains beneficial bacteria that helps bring the infection causing specimens under control.
There are quite a few ways that you can use yogurt as a yeast infection treatment.
You can simply eat a few cups everyday over the course of a week or two.
You could also put a few tablespoons directly into your vagina.
If it's diluted with water, it can also be used as a douche.
You also have the option of using tablets that contain the active ingredient in yogurt.
These lactobacillus tablets are designed to be inserted directly into your vagina.
You can find them at a health food store or pharmacy.
Another yeast infection treatment that's been proven effective is boric acid.
Boric acid is available in capsules that you put into your vagina.
This course of treatment usually lasts about a week.
It's best for you to consult a doctor before trying boric acid however.
There are plenty of things that you can try at home in order to relieve your yeast infection symptoms.
Garlic, something that you probably already have in your kitchen, has anti-fungal properties.
Eating garlic cloves may help treat an infection, but will also go a long way towards preventing them in the first place.
Another item that you can use from your kitchen as a yeast infection treatment is vinegar.
You should dilute a few tablespoons of vinegar with water and use it as a douche.
This should be done for about a week.
Although it's proven to work in many cases, it doesn't work for all women however.
A common symptom of yeast infection is itching and burning.
That's one of the main reasons that women look to get rid of the problem as soon as possible.
Rubbing rosemary on the area will help relieve this.
You can also make tea of rosemary and use it as a douche.
You may be surprised to find out that cranberries can also help you fight yeast infections.
Cranberries help make your vaginal secretions more acidic, so it will combat the invading yeast better.
You can simply drink the cranberry juice over the course of a few days.
It's important that you only drink an unsweetened variety or you may make the problem even worse.
Your diet plays a role in yeast infection treatment too.
The type of foods that you eat may make the problem worse.
Of course, eating right in the first place will go a long way towards preventing these infections in the first place.
There are a variety of foods that you should avoid while you have a yeast infection.
Most importantly, you should avoid sweet or any foods that contain a lot of sugar.
They will do nothing but provide the yeast with more food to eat.
You should also limit your consumption of baked goods and breads.
Beans, nuts, seeds, and pasta should also be limiting while you're fighting this condition.