3 Easy Steps to Control Your Finances
Here goes ~ For further tips and information feel free to visit my website : http://www.
uk 1.
Take firm control of your finances.
Once you've looked at your monthly in-comings and outgoings, you should be able to see where you could cut costs to free up some extra cash.
If you've got credit cards that have been mounting up for a while, find out if you can shift what you owe onto a cheaper balance transfer credit card.
The last thing you'll need is outstanding debt that's costing far more than it should.
Visit my site detailed below to find out how.
Right now the Credit Card lenders are offering customers interest from 0% on transferred debts.
However, you will probably find it impossible to get accepted for a market leading credit card if you're unfortunate enough to lose your job - so if you want to apply for a new deal, it's vital that you do so sooner rather than later.
Other simple steps such as changing your Gas and Electric supplier and shopping around for competitive prices on your insurance premiums could also save you a significant sum each month.
Make sure you're saving Where's your money for that rainy day? Some employers can deduct it from your salary to remove temptation i.
e to a credit union of some sort.
Other high street banks have started offering as much as 5% for saving between £25 - £250 a month for a year (visit RBS for further details) Try to get into the way of putting 10% of your salary away for emergencies ~ you'll appreciate it one day.
If you contact and organise a review with your bank ~ some offer a financial planning manager for free! Alternatively, if you just can't seem to get the time to have a chat with them, surf the net in your own time and gather as much info as possible.
If your budget is already stretched and you can't afford to put away much money each month, remember: saving a little is better than saving nothing at all.
Grab an old tin and just pop the loose change you have ~ 1ps & 2ps ~ every little helps and it'll soon build up! 3.
Protect your wages If you're worried about losing your job, have you ever considered taking out or looking into an insurance policy that will pay out if you're made redundant in the future? They are out there and available.
Payment protection insurance (PPI) is a form of insurance designed to cover your credit card and loan repayments should you become unable to work through illness or unemployment.
However, PPI policies often come with a long list of exclusions so it's crucial you find out exactly in what circumstances you will and won't be covered.
Most PPI policies will only allow you to claim once and you may have to wait up to three months before receiving a payout after being made redundant.
If you do decide to take out a PPI insurance policy, it's important to shop around just like you would for any other product.
I know that everyone hates small print...
but for that extra few minutes now, think of what it could save you in the future.
uk 1.
Take firm control of your finances.
Once you've looked at your monthly in-comings and outgoings, you should be able to see where you could cut costs to free up some extra cash.
If you've got credit cards that have been mounting up for a while, find out if you can shift what you owe onto a cheaper balance transfer credit card.
The last thing you'll need is outstanding debt that's costing far more than it should.
Visit my site detailed below to find out how.
Right now the Credit Card lenders are offering customers interest from 0% on transferred debts.
However, you will probably find it impossible to get accepted for a market leading credit card if you're unfortunate enough to lose your job - so if you want to apply for a new deal, it's vital that you do so sooner rather than later.
Other simple steps such as changing your Gas and Electric supplier and shopping around for competitive prices on your insurance premiums could also save you a significant sum each month.
Make sure you're saving Where's your money for that rainy day? Some employers can deduct it from your salary to remove temptation i.
e to a credit union of some sort.
Other high street banks have started offering as much as 5% for saving between £25 - £250 a month for a year (visit RBS for further details) Try to get into the way of putting 10% of your salary away for emergencies ~ you'll appreciate it one day.
If you contact and organise a review with your bank ~ some offer a financial planning manager for free! Alternatively, if you just can't seem to get the time to have a chat with them, surf the net in your own time and gather as much info as possible.
If your budget is already stretched and you can't afford to put away much money each month, remember: saving a little is better than saving nothing at all.
Grab an old tin and just pop the loose change you have ~ 1ps & 2ps ~ every little helps and it'll soon build up! 3.
Protect your wages If you're worried about losing your job, have you ever considered taking out or looking into an insurance policy that will pay out if you're made redundant in the future? They are out there and available.
Payment protection insurance (PPI) is a form of insurance designed to cover your credit card and loan repayments should you become unable to work through illness or unemployment.
However, PPI policies often come with a long list of exclusions so it's crucial you find out exactly in what circumstances you will and won't be covered.
Most PPI policies will only allow you to claim once and you may have to wait up to three months before receiving a payout after being made redundant.
If you do decide to take out a PPI insurance policy, it's important to shop around just like you would for any other product.
I know that everyone hates small print...
but for that extra few minutes now, think of what it could save you in the future.