Health & Medical Dental & Oral

Highly Effective Ultrasonic Cleanings From Your Family Dentist In Warwick, RI

If you are like many people who dread going to the dentist even for a check-up and cleaning, you may not be aware of new techniques family dentist in Warwick, RI are using. When you think of having your teeth cleaned, having your teeth scraped probably comes to mind. Teeth scraping can be the most painful part of having your mouth cleaned and can even sometimes make your gums bleed. Family dentist in Warwick, RI are using a new technology called ultrasonic cleaning. An ultrasonic cleaning can take away the pain involved when it comes to having your regular check-up. Here is how an ultrasonic cleaning works and a few of the many benefits.

When your family dentist in Warwick, RI uses an ultrasonic cleaner, he or she is taking away the pain of scraping for tartar and other plaque from your teeth and gum line. An ultrasonic cleaner has what is called a scaler which vibrates against the tooth and gum line. This is done with a high frequency that causes the plaque and tartar to fall away from the tooth. This type of method can even work on extremely hard plaque and tartar that are found on the tooth that the normal method of scraping would not be able to remove. The plaque and other bacteria is washed away by water spraying out of the tip of the scaler.

One of the many advantages of your family dentist in Warwick, RI giving you an ultrasonic cleaning is that it can reach plaque, bacteria, and tartar beneath the surface of the gum line. For instance, this would greatly benefit someone who has gum disease or is at high risk for gum disease. The vibrations of the scaler will be able to reach hidden bacteria giving you a highly effective cleaning. People who have periodontal disease can also greatly benefit from this form of cleaning because it does not put any pressure on the tooth itself.

Another benefit to this type of cleaning is that it will not ruin or damage your enamel. It is not uncommon for the scraping method to scratch or even chip the outside enamel of the tooth, causing it harm and damage. Ultrasonic cleanings can help you avoid this kind of damage to your enamel.

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