Cures for Earaches in Dogs
- Dogs with floppy ears encourage earaches.cavalier king charles spaniel image by Judy Ben Joud from
If your dog rubs and scratches at his ears and sometimes whimpers, suspect earache. Dog Health lists redness and discharge as symptoms of ear infection. Earaches often distress dogs with floppy and drooping ears because the warm, moist area encourages bacteria. A serious or middle ear infection requires medical care. However, for less serious conditions, you may be able to your dog at home. - Dogs can get foreign objects in their ears. Barbed grass seeds, matted hair and wax accumulation all cause irritation and infection if not removed. If these are embedded in the outer ear and easily seen, you may be able to remove them yourself. If they are deeper, a veterinarian must remove them. Once the irritating object is gone, the infection and earache should improve.
- A mixture of 16 oz. rubbing alcohol, 4 Tbsp boric acid powder and 16 drops Gentian Violet solution effectively treats a dog's ear infection caused by bacteria or yeast. Once the infection has cleared, monthly treatments with this mixture help avoid a return. Because Gentian Violet solution stains, take care to prevent damage to furniture and fabrics until it has dried.
- Equal parts hydrogen peroxide and apple cider vinegar can remove dried blood and debris from infected ears. Although not a permanent cure, this mixture soothes soreness and may give the dog relief until it gets medical help. Warm the mixture before cleaning out the ears with cotton balls.
- Zymox Otic treats bacterial and yeast infections using active enzymes. It is sold over the counter at pet supply outlets. The manufacturer assures that the product will not hurt your pet if swallowed.
- Warm a solution of equal parts vinegar and alcohol. Moisten cotton balls, and carefully clean debris and blood from the outer ear. The alcohol in the solution helps dry the ears as the vinegar cleans it. The Healthy Pet stresses that you keep your dog's ears dry. The alcohol helps break down the wax if it has hardened.
- According to Vet Info, if your dog's ears are oozing and have an odor, they probably have a yeast infection. Your veterinarian will prescribe an anti-fungal ointment or drops to treat the condition. For other earache causes, he will prescribe a soothing ointment containing steroids, antiseptics, antihistamines or antibacterial properties. After examination or testing, he can determine which will be the most effective.