Business & Finance Personal Finance

How to Get Food Stamps While I Am on Unemployment in South Carolina

    • 1). Determine whether you’re eligible to receive food stamps. Use the online South Carolina benefit estimator to answer questions regarding your unemployment compensation, household size and household resources, such as cash and bank account balances. This tool estimates your eligibility and the amount of food stamp benefits you may be able to receive each month.

    • 2). Complete an application for food stamps. You may submit an application online through the South Carolina Department of Social Services website, or complete a paper application and take it to your local DSS office. You must provide information on your income from all sources. Include your unemployment compensation and amounts of any other income your household receives, if applicable. You must provide information regarding the number of people in your household, and the types and amounts of your monthly expenses.

    • 3). Receive an interview appointment. When you submit an application, you will be scheduled to meet with a caseworker and provide documents to prove your income, household size and expenses.

    • 4). Gather the necessary interview documents. Examples of items you must provide at the interview include proof of your last four weeks of unemployment compensation, proof of child care expenses you incur for the care of your children while you seek new employment and proof of your monthly housing and utility costs. You must also prove your identity and the identity of your children or other household members. Identity documents include Social Security cards, birth certificates and a driver’s license.

    • 5). Attend the interview. At the interview, your case worker reviews your application and your documents, and then determines the amount of food stamps you'll receive each month. In most cases, you receive your benefits within 30 days of your application date. However, if your monthly income is less than the cost of your housing and utility costs, or your monthly income is less than $150 and you also have less than $100 in available funds, you may receive benefits within seven days of your application.

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