Learn About Common Dental Cavities and Their Symptoms
Teeth are a small part of your body but they can cause a lot of discomfort when it gets infection or cavities. Just like our body we need to take special care of our teeth so that they do not cause problems. There are various things which can cause cavities and infection in your teeth such as sweets, chocolates and candies for children. Children tend to develop cavities because they consume a lot of this junk stuff and don't brush their teeth properly as brushing too does not completely clean your teeth from around the mouth.
Dental cavities are not only the problems in children but also adults have the similar cavity problems. There are various reasons why these cavities develop in the adults, some get late and forget about brushing in order to reach their destination on time and some eat late at night and sleep without brushing their teeth. This causes cavities to develop and is the main cause of bad breath in the morning. That is why dentist recommends people to brush their teeth at least two times a day.
One of the main reasons why people have dental cavities is because of poor oral health. People do not take their oral health seriously and they buy random tooth paste and brushes not knowing how good the product is. Secondly every dentist recommends brushing teeth twice a day and especially before going to bed because all the food particles remain in the mouth that develops into bacteria and cavities.
If you notice bacteria develops more quickly when you eat food which is high in sugar and starch, eating too much of this type of food is also a leading cause of having cavities in your teeth.
There are other various reasons why cavities develop are due to smoking and alcohol drinking as well.
The deficiency of fluoride is also a major reason for dental cavities. Fluoride helps prevents tooth decay and toughens the tooth enamel. It is recommended to use tooth paste which contains fluoride.
There are the few and main reasons of dental cavities and one should be very careful with the diet and take good care of their oral health as if the situation worsens such as a tooth infection or tooth decay it causes a lot of discomfort and pain. Tooth aches are very painful and it requires good care just as we take care of our body health.
The main reason for dental cavities are not brushing your teeth properly and using a good recommended tooth paste. Even food like milk, bread and cereals when they tend to get stuck in minute places in your mouth can cause decay and cavities. When food, bacteria, saliva and acids combine in your teeth then they form into plaque on to your teeth. This plaque releases acids that dissolve the surface of your tooth and then form holes which are called cavities.
It is recommended to consult dentist instantly when you start having cavities and toothaches.
Dental cavities are not only the problems in children but also adults have the similar cavity problems. There are various reasons why these cavities develop in the adults, some get late and forget about brushing in order to reach their destination on time and some eat late at night and sleep without brushing their teeth. This causes cavities to develop and is the main cause of bad breath in the morning. That is why dentist recommends people to brush their teeth at least two times a day.
One of the main reasons why people have dental cavities is because of poor oral health. People do not take their oral health seriously and they buy random tooth paste and brushes not knowing how good the product is. Secondly every dentist recommends brushing teeth twice a day and especially before going to bed because all the food particles remain in the mouth that develops into bacteria and cavities.
If you notice bacteria develops more quickly when you eat food which is high in sugar and starch, eating too much of this type of food is also a leading cause of having cavities in your teeth.
There are other various reasons why cavities develop are due to smoking and alcohol drinking as well.
The deficiency of fluoride is also a major reason for dental cavities. Fluoride helps prevents tooth decay and toughens the tooth enamel. It is recommended to use tooth paste which contains fluoride.
There are the few and main reasons of dental cavities and one should be very careful with the diet and take good care of their oral health as if the situation worsens such as a tooth infection or tooth decay it causes a lot of discomfort and pain. Tooth aches are very painful and it requires good care just as we take care of our body health.
The main reason for dental cavities are not brushing your teeth properly and using a good recommended tooth paste. Even food like milk, bread and cereals when they tend to get stuck in minute places in your mouth can cause decay and cavities. When food, bacteria, saliva and acids combine in your teeth then they form into plaque on to your teeth. This plaque releases acids that dissolve the surface of your tooth and then form holes which are called cavities.
It is recommended to consult dentist instantly when you start having cavities and toothaches.