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How To Get The Most Our Of Your Photo!!

Author: Cherie Steinberg
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Tags: portraits, family portraits, kid portraits, business portraits, wedding photography, cheriefoto, cool portrait photography, cool wedding photography
The photo shoot is to make memories for a lifetime and I enjoy making photographs special. Something out of the ordinary. It takes doing some homework to make that happen. I would like to share things you can do to make the images even more special.
That said, if you decide to go to a professional photographer, there are things I can share with you from my experience that will ensure that you get the photos of your dreams while making the photographer's job easier, as well. Paying for family photos is a treat, so pamper yourself accordingly.
1) Make sure you have your hair and make-up professionally done. Nothing can make or break your photo op like a bad make-up job. If youre spending money on a professional photographer, go the extra mile for good make-up and hair. No matter where you live, there is someone whos skilled at doing make-up for print ads, magazines etc. Go online or ask your photographer who they recommend.
2) Clothes: its tough enough to choose an outfit just to go to the store, right? So dont torture yourself to find that one right outfit for yourself and everyone in your family. Go ahead and bring a few different choices and let your photographer decide. They know what colors and shapes look best on camera and having that input will make you feel at ease with your final choice.
3) Have an idea of what you like stylistically. One way to do that is go to your photographers website and find pictures that you really like. If your photographer doesnt have a website, its okay to go to another website and print out a few to give your person an idea of what youre looking for.
4) Talk with your photographer before the shoot. Discuss ideas. When you go to get a haircut from someone new, you dont just hop in the chair and let them start chopping, right? Its the same with getting your familys pictures done. You and your photographer both want the same thing - for you to be satisfied with the end result. So communicate your needs and talk over any concerns you may have BEFORE you arrive.
5) Location, location, location! This is an important part of your photography experience. You will want to know what type of background youll have to choose from. Do you want your pictures outside and natural or with a plain backdrop? Most photographers will be happy to offer suggestions but if you have a preference (say you dont like to be shot against a black background), make sure youre clear on this beforehand.
6) Is there a special necklace, locket or keepsake that you want in your photograph? Be sure to bring it with you and let your photographer know that youd like it to be seen in the photograph. They will do their best to accommodate you.
7) If you have a special purpose for the photographs such as your holiday card, a family album or modeling shots, let your photographer know. This is definitely important information and may influence different aspects of your shoot. Your photographer may want to use a different camera lens or try a background that will be more suitable for what you want.
8) Pick a photographer you feel comfortable with. If you dont like your photographers style it will show in your pictures. You may end up looking forced or just plain not in the spirit of the thing. Its your day and your wallet, so be choosy!
9) Some people have no preconceived ideas for what they want and thats okay too. As long as you are open and already like your photographers work, your photographer should be able to get you something you love.
Have fun! Youve got your outfit and your familys got theirs, your hair and make-up is beautiful, the background is chosen and youve discussed all the pertinent details with your photographer, its time to relax and let them do their thing. Go with the flow and just remember to smile.
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How To Get The Most Our Of Your Photo Shoot...Tips!!

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