Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Nfl American Football Players Routines

Football tackling 101

Learning how to perform a proper tackle is fundamental to the game of football. Tackling can be fun and exhilarating, but done improperly and it can be dangerous. When you tackle your opponent remember three important steps:

First is to cut off your opponent by placing yourself directly in front of them. You can do this by placing your foot between your opponents feet. Also, and in coordination with your feet throw your arms back preparing to grab.

Second you want to bring your other foot into the mix, and at the same time throw your arms up and around your opponent. As your feet plants your head should be making its first contact. The one golden rule in making a safe tackle is to never, ever lead with or try to tackle with the crown of your head. A great way to insure that you are in the right position is to practice touching your facemask to the football of the opposing player.

Third, at this point you have successfully grabbed your opponent and all thats left is to lunge your hips forward and bear all of your momentum against your opponent. The more momentum that you bring to the table on steps two and three the more effective your speed will be in this last step.

Drive Block

Driving and blocking are the bases for a good lineman. The most traditional or basic block is a drive block. When you want to remove an opponent effectively you will use the drive block again and again. The first step of this block is the scrimmage alignment, in order to drive to the right or left this basic block will push your opponent in the way that they are aligned, so if they are aligned to the right the drive will push them to the right. Execute the drive by bolting off the line with your play side foot; again if the play is happening on the left side then you will use your left foot. Move quickly and in a speed bursting motion, make solid contact with your opponent to drive them off in the direction that you want.

Practicing the Hand off

Drills practicing fundamentals like an effective hand offs can make the difference between a mediocre team and an excellent one. This drill requires more than one player; it starts off with two lines, line A and line B, the front of each line facing each other a couple of yards apart. At the coaches signal player A leaves line A running with the football towards line B. At the same time that the first player leaves player B leaves his line towards player A, as they pass each other in the middle player A hands off the football to player B. At this moment another player leaves line A and accepts a handoff from player B. The motion should be constantly moving from one line to another in this drill, almost like a juggling pattern. Practice this drill every day to ensure that your running backs are effective on their hand offs.

Strength and conditioning: Up Downs

Out of all of the football conditioning drills up downs is one of the most popular. This drill starts by having the players run in place as fast as they can encourage them to get their knees up as high as they can. From time to time the coach will signal to the players, by whistle or a command, to get down meaning that they drop down do a push up and get back up as quickly as possible to run again. This drill is an excellent workout and should be worked in slowly at first and then increased in intensity and length over time.

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