Health & Medical Rheumatoid Arthritis

Apple Cider Vinegar and Arthritis

As well as being traditionally used as a weight loss supplement, apple cider vinegar (ACV) has many properties that are valuable to the relief of arthritis.
The goody bag of minerals and vitamins that naturally make ACV special include: •potassium •calcium •magnesium •phosphorus •chlorine •sodium •sulphur •copper •iron •silicone •fluorine •vitamin C •vitamin A •vitamin E •vitamin B1 •vitamin B2 •vitamin B6 Of the above list of 17 ingredients, no fewer than 10 are specifically beneficial to arthritis.
They are: •Potassium (KBr) Aids tissue repair and helps to ease stiff joints.
•Calcium (Ca) Helps to maintain healthy bones and is beneficial in the prevention of Osteoporosis.
•Phosphorus (P) Plays an important role in the repair of cells and tissues.
•Copper (Cu) Strengthens the musculatory system and has anti-inflammatory properties.
It also plays an important role in the functioning of the immune system.
•Iron (Fe) Iron deficiency is a common factor in restless leg syndrome, a side effect of Fibromyalgia.
It provides strength to the immune system, and is useful in the treatment of insomnia, a common side-effect of all forms of arthritis.
•Silicon (Sn) Aids flexibility of joints in the production of collagen.
It also improves the quality of nails which is an important factor of Psoriatic Arthritis.
•Vitamin C Aids cellular repair and helps the body to absorb iron.
•Vitamin A Also known as Beta Carotene helps the function of the immune system.
•Vitamin B1 Also known as Thiamine, promotes good cognitive function, this is beneficial to Fibromyalgia and Lupus sufferers.
Thiamine deficiency can lead to depression.
•Vitamin B6 Also known as Pyridoxine is valuable for the nerves which is excellent news for sufferers of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
It is also valuable to the function of the immune system.
As well as the usual joint pain and bone damage arthritis carries many forms and attacks its victims in many different ways.
This can be anything from anaemia, which is common to rheumatoid arthritis sufferers to migraine in lupus sufferers and uveitis (a painful eye condition) in ankylosing spondylitis.
Below are listed a few forms of arthritis that benefit from the use of apple cider vinegar, and a very brief description of each condition.
More information can be gained from arthritis-support.
Ankylosing Spondylitis - is a genetic autoimmune disease that mainly affects younger men usually in the spine.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - the nerves in the wrist become compressed and cause inflammation and pain.
Fibromyalgia - is a chronic condition that causes widespread joint pain throughout the body.
Gout - caused by uric acid building up and entering the bloodstream where it is deposited as crystals in the extremities, usually the big toe causing extreme pain.
Lupus - is an auto-immune disease that has genetic links and has many symptoms.
Psoriatic Arthritis - associated with the skin condition psoriasis, is a chronic and painful form of widespread erosive arthritis.
Rheumatoid Arthritis - is a genetic autoimmune disease that causes inflammation and pain in joints.
It is important when buying ACV that the 'mother' of the vinegar is present.
The 'mother' is actually the aceatobactors in the vinegar that are relevant to the vinegar making process.
It is full of living bacteria and active enzymes and nutrients that are vital to the restorative properties of the vinegar.
It rests as a sediment in the bottom of the bottle and looks like tiny brown cob-webs when held up to the light.
Don't let this put you off! It's the best bit and when shaken the vinegar should look murky and browny-yellow coloured.
The clear vinegars are only good for putting onto chips.
There are several ways to take ACV.
It is important to know that you should NEVER DRINK NEAT ACV.
For a start it tastes as bad as it smells, plus it can burn your throat and take the enamel off your teeth! The easiest and manly way is to add to water 4:1, that's 4 parts water and 1 part ACV.
The nicest way is to add a little honey to sweeten the mix a little.
As the saying goes a spoonful of sugar really does help the medicine to go down! The good news is it's also available in tablet and capsule form; I can't vouch for their effectiveness without the 'mother' though.
Hippocrates, the 'Father of Medicine' was said to have taken cider vinegar with honey for its health benefits way back in 400 BC.
So if it was good enough for him...

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