Health & Medical Nutrition

Secret Tips Setting Up Your Gluten Free Pizza Kitchen

If you're like many people today creating a gluten free eating environment is paramount to good health.
One of the main foods that those following this eating regimen miss is the old Italian favorite, pizza.
But fear not, you can create a gluten free pizza to enjoy with your family you just have to set up your gluten free pizza kitchen.
In creating a gluten free pizza, you're essentially making a flat bread cracker that serves as a great substitute for a thin crusted pizza.
A word to the wise though is to use a pizza baking stone to bake your crust on for first rate results.
By cooking with one of these handy gadgets, you get an even, crispy but not crunchy pizza crust.
If you're using the pizza stone, another tip to try is the use of a piece of parchment paper on top of the stone.
Preheat your oven first at about 500 and watch the paper turn black.
Don't worry though; it's not going to burn or change the taste of the pizza crust.
Instead, the pizza will slide off perfectly every time with no sticky pizzas or mess.
We place our rolled dough on a piece of parchment, which we then slide onto the pizza stone (preheated an hour first, in a 500 degree oven).
The paper turns pitch black, but it doesn't burn or flavor the dough, and the pizza slides off LIKE A CHARM, every time.
No gritty corn meal, so sad stuck pizzas, no muss, no fuss, just super pizza.
Another tool to stock in your kitchen when making your special pizza is a pizza screen.
While some people do have problems with the dough sticking to the screen, using non-stick cooking spray will solve that problem right away.
Additionally, you will get a charred taste to your pizza much like you would in a pizzeria.
Having a sharp pizza cutting wheel is another tip to a good pizza kitchen.
While you can technically cut a pizza with a knife, it's much more difficult and a wheel just does the job easier and faster.
Finally, if you want smoky tasting pizza here's the secret.
Take any wood chips for grills like hickory, apple or any other type and soak about 2 cups in water for about 1 hour or more.
Then take a sheet of aluminum foil, place the chips in the center and make a pouch by folding it four times.
Be sure all the seams are sealed.
Take a knife or any other implement and poke holes in the top.
Simple put the pouch directly on the hot coals or atop the pre-heated grill and wait until they begin to smoke.
Once they are smoking start grilling you pizza with the lid closed.
It will taste fantastic.
Yes, you can have the pizza you've so craved since going gluten free.
Get your utensils together and have at it.

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