Treating Cat Bladder Stones - Best Option - Surgery, Natural Medicine Or Drugs?
Cat bladder stones? Best options for treatment aren't always obvious.
In fact, traditional medication and surgery can have a host of complications.
When it comes to treating feline bladder blockage, often the best step is prevention.
Supporting your cat's overall health can help to prevent recurring issues and make life easier for you and your pet.
Unfortunately, bladder stones and other urinary tract issues are a common problem in cats since the small size of their urinary tracts makes it easy for bacteria and other substances to build up there.
Because of this, it is crucial that you take the necessary steps to ensure that your cat stays as healthy as possible to enable it to fight off infection.
When minerals build up in the urinary tract, they can form bladder stones, which block the regular flow of urine through the urethra, resulting in the need to urinate without producing any urine, fever, loss of appetite and pain.
With cat bladder stones, the best option is an examination by a vet.
Since bladder obstruction can quickly become life threatening, it is imperative that your vet diagnose the problem and recommend treatment.
The basic course of treatment will depend on the severity of the symptoms and their underlying cause.
Often, medication and a special diet can help to spontaneously dissolve the blockage.
In more serious instances, particularly for larger stones, catheterization and even surgery may be necessary to remove them.
In cats, urinary tract infection can often contribute to blockage.
Since the urinary tract is so small, if it gets inflamed it can become more difficult for stones to pass.
Often a cat bladder stones best option for treatment is to address the urinary tract infection itself.
Fortunately for concerned pet owners, there are now unique products which allow for this kind of comprehensive treatment without exposing your pet to serious side effects.
Using a special blend of herbs and other plant based ingredients, natural remedies are formulated to work with the body to provide soothing, gentle healing.
Ingredients such as Berberis Vulgaris, Cantharis and Staphysagris help to ease the symptoms of urinary tract infections while simultaneously boosting the health of the immune system, thus improving your cat's natural defenses and allowing it to fight off recurrence.
This is the preferred cat bladder stones best option treatment plan and it is extremely effective for pets.
Of course, an herbal remedy will be more successful if it is implemented as part of an overall approach to good health.
This includes making sure that your cat gets a well balanced diet and has continual access to a clean water source.
It is also extremely important to maintain several clean litter boxes, since having a clean place to urinate will encourage your cat to have regular urination habits.
Nobody likes to see their four legged friends suffering the painful symptoms of bladder stones and now you can take steps to ensure that your cat avoids them.
Talk to your vet today about the natural alternative to good urinary tract health for your pet.
It may be the best decision you'll ever make for your cat and you.
In fact, traditional medication and surgery can have a host of complications.
When it comes to treating feline bladder blockage, often the best step is prevention.
Supporting your cat's overall health can help to prevent recurring issues and make life easier for you and your pet.
Unfortunately, bladder stones and other urinary tract issues are a common problem in cats since the small size of their urinary tracts makes it easy for bacteria and other substances to build up there.
Because of this, it is crucial that you take the necessary steps to ensure that your cat stays as healthy as possible to enable it to fight off infection.
When minerals build up in the urinary tract, they can form bladder stones, which block the regular flow of urine through the urethra, resulting in the need to urinate without producing any urine, fever, loss of appetite and pain.
With cat bladder stones, the best option is an examination by a vet.
Since bladder obstruction can quickly become life threatening, it is imperative that your vet diagnose the problem and recommend treatment.
The basic course of treatment will depend on the severity of the symptoms and their underlying cause.
Often, medication and a special diet can help to spontaneously dissolve the blockage.
In more serious instances, particularly for larger stones, catheterization and even surgery may be necessary to remove them.
In cats, urinary tract infection can often contribute to blockage.
Since the urinary tract is so small, if it gets inflamed it can become more difficult for stones to pass.
Often a cat bladder stones best option for treatment is to address the urinary tract infection itself.
Fortunately for concerned pet owners, there are now unique products which allow for this kind of comprehensive treatment without exposing your pet to serious side effects.
Using a special blend of herbs and other plant based ingredients, natural remedies are formulated to work with the body to provide soothing, gentle healing.
Ingredients such as Berberis Vulgaris, Cantharis and Staphysagris help to ease the symptoms of urinary tract infections while simultaneously boosting the health of the immune system, thus improving your cat's natural defenses and allowing it to fight off recurrence.
This is the preferred cat bladder stones best option treatment plan and it is extremely effective for pets.
Of course, an herbal remedy will be more successful if it is implemented as part of an overall approach to good health.
This includes making sure that your cat gets a well balanced diet and has continual access to a clean water source.
It is also extremely important to maintain several clean litter boxes, since having a clean place to urinate will encourage your cat to have regular urination habits.
Nobody likes to see their four legged friends suffering the painful symptoms of bladder stones and now you can take steps to ensure that your cat avoids them.
Talk to your vet today about the natural alternative to good urinary tract health for your pet.
It may be the best decision you'll ever make for your cat and you.