Law & Legal & Attorney Divorce & marriage Law

Rhode Island Divorce Lawyer - A Practical Tip to Speed Up Your Divorce

You can help your Rhode Island Divorce Attorney immensely by providing information at the very beginning of your representation.
The information your attorney will find most valuable is generally the following:
  • Name and Description of Each Asset?
  • Current Value of Each Asset?
  • Who Purchased the Asset?
  • Whose Name is the Asset Held In?
  • Where is the Asset Located?
  • Was this asset given to you or your spouse as a gift or inheritance?
  • If so, who as the asset given to (your or your spouse) when and why?
  • Name of Each debt?
  • Person or Company to Whom the debt is Owed?
  • The Account Number for the debt?
  • The existing balance of the debt
  • Who created the debt?
  • When was the debt first created?
  • What were the monies used for?
  • Who used what monies that make up the debt?
  • Do you have children?
  • How many children do you have with your current spouse?
  • Do you have any adopted children?
  • What are the children's names and dates of birth?
  • Where do the children live?
  • Who is the primary physical caretaker of the children?
  • When were you married?
  • Where were you married?
  • Are you still living in the same household?
  • If not, when did you separate and why?
  • Do you have evidence of infidelity of your spouse?
  • Identify your employer's name and address?
  • What is your job, and what are your job duties?
  • How long have you worked with this employer?
  • How much do you make per week?
  • Do you receive any overtime?
  • If you receive overtime, how much do you receive?
  • Is your overtime regular?(weekly, biweekly or monthly)
  • Identify your spouse's employer's name and address?
  • What is your spouse' job, and what are your spouse's job duties?
  • How long has your spouse worked with this employer?
  • How much does your spouse make per week?
  • Does your spouse receive any overtime?
  • If your spouse receives overtime, how much does your spouse receive?
  • Is your spouse's overtime regular?(weekly, biweekly or monthly)
Give a thumbnail sketch of your educational background and the educational background of your spouse.
This information will be invaluable to your Rhode Island Divorce attorney as long as you really take time to brainstorm.
Remember that automobiles are assets but any financing for them is a debt.
Also, pensions, 401ks, investments, CD's, bank accounts are assets but loans against those retirement vehicles are debts.
A house is an asset but mortgages and equity loans against those items are debts.
This is not meant in the least to indicate that as the reader you can't figure this out.
Yet there are some clients I've had over the years who have experienced frustration because they truly do not understand the nature of each question.
As an example, most clients will not put down their new television and surround sound system or their new dining room set as an asset because they just see it as furniture.
It's understandable and yet knowing these things is helpful to your attorney and to the court because they are things that may have to be divided between the spouses.
If you want to get a jump on things and help an attorney evaluate your case, then complete this list thoroughly and take your time.
You'll find it's well worth it and it should save you money on attorney's fees in the long run.

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