Business & Finance Credit

5 tips for getting apt free credit score

Credit cards are considered to be a boon for many. It helps you spend money more that what you actually have. Thus in needy times these credit cards are of great help. However not everyone is able to benefit from these cards. Because of this feature of spending more than what you have many have become habituated to it. They use these cards to buy expensive things but then some are not able to repay their debts on the companies. This way their credit score starts getting bad.

The credit score has a great impact on your financial condition. Based on these scores you will be eligible for lots of loans. Thus make sure that you know your credit score well. These days you can find great ways to find free credit score. There are many good websites offering your free credit score. But not every website is genuine. You will have to do a small research to know which website is genuine to check the credit score.
  1. Remember one thing, website offering free credit score might not offer a cent percent accurate score. However you will surely get an idea if a genuine website is approached. Here are few secrets that you need to know about the free online credit score checking.
  1. There are several aspects on which the credit score is calculated. Almost 35% of your score will be dependent on your debts, debts made in a period of last one month which is on an average 30 days. Therefore ensure that you do not delay any of your repayments for over a period of 30 days. It might have a very bad affect on your credit score.
  1. Another aspect on which the credit report is made is your history. It is important to have a clear credit history as 15% of your report is depended on it. Make sure that none of your credit card is canceled. It is very bad for your credit score.
  1. Make sure that you do not have too many credit cards. Issuing too many credit cards at time might also affect your credit score to a greater extent. Therefore ensure that you do not buy lots of credit cards.
  1. Do not make your kid use the credit card to a greater extent. Kids and teens are not very responsible when it comes to using money. Therefore if you make your kids use it, they are going to add on to your debt to a greater extent.

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