Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Gluten Free:Do You Suffer With Chronic Stress Or Chronic Stomach Ache.

Gluten Free:Do You Suffer With-Chronic Stress or Chronic Stomach Ache.

Are you totally fatigued tired all the time got that cant be bothered feeling the smallest problems at home with the children or at work giving you chronic stress,you may also suffer from chronic stomach ache, wind, constipation, anemia the list is endless.
Well ive got news for you a simple blood test down at your doctors can tell you if your gluten intolerant and maybe you've already been diagnosed with IBS thats were a lot of doctors make the mistake,because the symptoms are very similar but the treatments are very different.
Once you've been tested for gluten intolerance if the results are positive your doctor should request further tests to establish if you have a condition called Coeliacs disease the symptoms mentioned above are all conditions of this disease,Coeliacs disease is a condition that affects the small bowel and the problems are caused with the presence of gluten in a persons diet a simple procedure called a biopsy can confirm if you have this condition.
People who have coeliacs disease can not tolerate gluten a protein in wheat,rye, and barley,it is also found in everyday products like medication,lip balms,and vitamins, this condition is a disease of malabsorption were the body dosent absorb nutrients from food digested this is because of the gluten which causes a immune reaction.
Coeliacs is a genetic condition so it runs in family's and can be triggered by chronic stress,surgery, Pregnancy, child birth,even viral infections, irritability is another common symptom in children also lack of nutrient absorption can result in a child's failure to thrive,delayed growth and short stature,delayed puberty,and enamel defects to the permanent teeth.
A blistering skin rash could also be present Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) is extremely itch a simple skin biopsy could be done and if the test are positive there would be no need for a intestinal biopsy the rash usually appears on the elbows, knees, and buttocks and would be treated with antibiotics, people with DH would also need to keep to a gluten free diet.
Originally thought to be a rare condition it is now know to be a common genetic disorder 1 in every 133 people in the United States have the disease in the UK its estimated to be 1 in every 100,the gluten-free diet would mean a completely new approach to eating and reading product labels is also very important.

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