Work Out Plan to Lose Weight
- Many people lose interest in their new work out routine within a short amount of time. It's important to make your work out plan enjoyable and something you look forward to doing. In keeping with simply being better than you were yesterday, slowly add time or intensity to your work out efforts each day.
For example, if you plan to walk your way to weight loss, aim to begin with a distance that's initially not too strenous. If on the first day you walked for ten minutes, look to walk for eleven minutes the following day, twelve minutes the next and so on. Your transition into making time for your work out will be seamless and you are bound not lose interest.
If walking is your weight loss work out plan, you ultimately should try to walk at least 45 minutes each day. However, you may be surprised to learn that according to racewalking coach and trainer Judy Heller, breaking the 45 minutes into two or even three different segments each day is equally as effective as one long walk. This could work well if you have a busy schedule. Lunchtime, for example, is often a good time to get a 15-minute walk in. - Don't ever feel as though you need to maintain the same intensity with each walk or work out in order to lose weight. Some days we feel more energetic than others. Therefore on certain days you may eventually walk briskly for an hour and on others perhaps for just ten minutes. A good idea for days where you just don't have a high energy level is to simply take a breathing walk. That is, walk slowly for about ten minutes and focus on your breathing while feeling gratitude for your day. You may find you are as uplifted as on those days where you walked for a long time.
When creating any exercise plan for losing weight, remember that the goal is to create a gap in the total amount of calories burned versus those that you consumed. No matter what type of exercise plan you choose, weight loss is most often determined in the kitchen. - When you decide to work out, the idea is to do moderate exercise consistently. Make it fun and something you look forward to. You'll lose weight without realizing you're even doing it.