Business & Finance Personal Finance

Low-Income Food Assistance


    • Federal and state governments operate Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP. This program provides those who qualify with a set amount each month for food purchases. The federal guidelines provided for $200 a month for a single recipient and $367 for a couple in 2010. Other programs available include WIC or Women, Infants and Children, Child and Adult Care Food Program, Head Start, Summer Food Service, Nutrition Services Incentive Program, School Lunch and School Breakfast, Emergency Food Assistance Program and the Commodity Distribution Program.


    • Churches and private clubs operate food banks and food pantries throughout the United States to provide help to those who need food and cooking supplies. Many of these organizations require no qualifying but limit visits weekly or monthly. The Salvation Army, St. Vincent de Paul and many other nonprofit corporations operate thrift stores and provide help to low-income, needy or homeless individuals or families. Meals on Wheels targets needy seniors for food deliveries and kitchens provide hot meals in most larger towns and cities.


    • These food sources provide essentials to low-income or needy families. SNAP requires low income and low resources comparable to those required for Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income. Individuals may have resources of approximately $2,000 and a couple may have $3,000 in resources. Not all resources count. Income requirements are a percentage of federal poverty guidelines which are at $22,050 a year for a family of four in 2010. The nonfederal and nonstate food sources may not require qualification except local residency.


    • If you are unable to locate a program near you, contact your local Social Security office. Social Security does not manage these programs but can assist you in locating a program. In some instances, Social Security assists in completing the SNAP application. Contact social services in your county to inquire about local distribution of food. If you are a senior, inquire about senior centers, the Area Agency on Aging, National Council on Aging or similar group in your area.


    • Low-income food assistance may be for a specific category of need, like children, elderly or homeless. There are food banks and food pantries for those who have cooking facilities and kitchens with prepared meals for those who do not. The states administer SNAP programs like food stamps, providing electronic cards for food purchases, and some states have emergency assistance for food.

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