Technology Software

MSI Installation Options

    • MSI files, also known as Microsoft Installer files, are designed to make the installation of software programs easier for the end user. The files may deployed in a few different ways. The most common method is direct deployment, but advanced users may use batch files or the command prompt to execute the installation with special commands that change the way the software is installed and the options available during use.

    Direct Deployment

    • This method is recommended for novice users and is the standard deployment option. You simply double click on the MSI icon and follow the onscreen prompts to complete the installation.

    Command-Line Deployment

    • This method allows users to pass specific switches that control different aspects of the installation process to the installer. This method is recommended for advanced users and requires you to open the command prompt "As an Administrator" and type the following to execute the MSI package: "C:\Windows\System32\msiExec.exe -i C:\<file location folder>\<filename>.msi."

    Batch File Deployment

    • This option is useful for advanced users who wish to pass the same parameters to all of their MSI installations. You simply open a Notepad file, type the launch code ("C:\Windows\System32\msiExec.exe -i %1"), and save the file as a ".bat" or batch file. Then you drag the .msi file onto the batch-file icon, and the installation begins.

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