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Sweet 16 Super Great Snack Ideas

OK So you are planning your sweet 16 party and you want it to be one that everyone will remember.
This means that along with everything else, you are going to want to have great snacks there for everyone to munch on.
Remember that both taste and presentation is important.
Chocolate Fondue Ask around with all of your friends to dig up a fondue pot.
Then get get some chocolate pudding mix and use that in it with some extra half half mixed in to keep it from drying out.
Add some chocolate morsels as well and some caramels if you feel like it.
Skewered Fruit Use those one-foot long meat skewers you can buy at the grocery store to stick pieces of fruit in to the melted chocolate "stuff" in the fondue pot.
Ask at the grocery store for the little "fire pots" that they sell for fondue pots and make sure you only open yours part way, so it doesn't burn your pudding.
Bake Your Own Brownies and Cookies Ice cream always works but it can melt and get soft.
Make sure that your party venue has a good working fridge if you are thinking ice cream.
Good cookie shop baked treats cost a ton of money.
Simply buy the mixes and bake your own! Get some of your friends to help you and assign them all a different type of baked treat.
Hot Sandwiches are Super Easy Any type of meat cooked long enough is great on a hot sandwich.
Take some meat or chicken out of the freezer throw it in a big pot and let it cook on the stove for a couple of hours.
Remember to toss in some canned soup mix as well for some flavor.
Take the "mess" out, put it on sandwich rolls and watch everyone munch them down.
Cocktail Style Drinks With Cherries and Umbrellas Get nice "cocktail" style plastic cups at the grocery store for a good presentation.
Then instead of canned drinks, serve individual drinks in these cups.
You can save money by buying the big liter bottles and using a pitcher of water instead of expensive bottled water.
For fun, get some little umbrellas and maraschino cherries to garnish the drinks with.

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