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Benefits for city of Los Angeles employee

As an employer you are probably looking for ways to increase business profits and create additional revenue streams in many ways. You may try different promotions for products and services, attend seminars, attend city Chamber of Commerce meetings, and even try to create profits by cutting back on expenses. In many ways these forms of revenue building may work, but what investment are you putting into your employees? How often are you turning over employees because they find something more stable, with better pay than working in your company?

Many times smaller businesses have a discernable disadvantage because it costs a lot to ensure employees have what they need, but what is the cost in time and effort to continually train and retrain your employees. When you finally have a team of workers who you know will get the job done with little to no supervision, allowing you to focus on running the business and maybe even expanding it, some of them leave for greener pastures. Why is it you are losing your good employees to other companies, even when you pay on time and fairly?

There may be something you are not offering your employees that other companies are. Benefits make a huge difference with employees. The ability to have an employer based medical or dental plan, or a comprehensive package of benefits can make all the difference. Yes, this does cost more money to you, but how much do you lose by having to turn over employees on a regular basis? One of the best examples of a great benefit is the All City Employees Benefits Service Association (ACEBSA) which is a city of Los Angeles employee benefitsclub that offer much more of the benefits members use on a regular basis.

Unless you have a great medical need you may only go to the doctor once a year, and the dentist twice for cleanings, but as an example of a regularly used benefit, ACEBSA offers its members discounted tickets for entertainment, free services, and even some annual events for members to participate in. This is the kind of benefit that really brings longevity to an employer because employees love a benefit that will actually help them save on their entertainment and feel they have a very supportive employer when they attend free events that are put on by the benefits club.

As the city of Los Angeles employees benefits club, ACEBSA gives its members a low cost way to save on a variety of services and entertainment. The cost is only $1.75 per pay period for those who are not yet retired and $1.00 per month for retired members. This gives them a great benefit at an easy to live with price. If every employer was able to offer their employees a benefit package that improved the daily lives of their employees, they would certainly experience much less turnover in the workplace.


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