Business & Finance Blogging

Blog Rings are They Worth Your Participation?

Many folks run Blogs and there are tens of millions of them now.
Often folks who own Blogs contact one another based on subjects of interest and a new concept is forming, which is a take-off of webrings in which websites link to each other in a chain.
This allows Internet viewers of a certain subject to quickly maneuver around and find all the similar websites and the website owners gain synergy, well now Blogs are doing this too.
In fact there have been some very interesting studies on Blog rings and their social networking psychology in the digital world; http://blog.
Well "What If" you put your Blog on a Blog Ring set up by online folks of similar personalities and interests? Yes, indeed the famous What If? Could this be yet one more exploit the advantages of the Internet to increase traffic to your Blog? Would this facilitate and assist your Blog in furthering its rise to power for the purpose of propelling your website? Have you consider the Blog Ring strategy yet? It might do your subject niche a world of good and thrust your ideas into the Digital Article record books? In a thousand years will you have made a place in history or left a legacy of thought that might impact future generations? Perhaps you might consider a Blog Ring for to make it so in the future or make you impact in the present period more viable.
Perhaps it is just another thought as this author thinks out loud in 2007?

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