Exercises to Build Pecs & Arms
- The pectorals are large muscles in the upper chest with three different areas of focus for exercise: upper, middle and lower. Every exercise routine focused on building pectoral muscles in the chest should include incline bench exercises to build upper pectorals. This may include incline bench press, incline dumbbell flys or hammer grip incline bench press. Middle pectorals are best developed with flat bench presses, dips or simple push ups, the latter two allowing you to use your own body weight as resistance. To build the lower pectorals, a wide grip decline bench press, decline dumbbell bench press and decline flys are all excellent exercises. These exercises are usually done with free weights (barbells and dumbbells), though many gyms have exercise machines that mimic the same movements and allow you to work without a spotter. Incorporate into your routine at least one exercise focused on each area of the pectorals, and perform three to four sets of six to 10 repetitions.
- The major muscles of the upper arms are the biceps at the front of the upper arm and triceps at the back of the upper arm. While these are secondary muscles in many exercises (you will work your triceps along with your pectorals in all bench presses and similar exercises, your biceps in pull ups and lateral pull downs), there are many exercises that focus on each muscle. Biceps curls are the most popular exercise for the biceps. There are numerous variations of this exercise, using dumbbells, barbells, different grips, standing or sitting positions. Excellent variations of the standard standing dumbbell curl include hammer curls (holding dumbbells with a parallel grip), inclined seated curls and preacher curls. Popular triceps exercises include overhead dumbbell extensions, rope pulldowns on a pulley machine or triceps kickbacks. Exercise machines such as the seated triceps extension are also options to add variety to your routine or to use if you're uncomfortable working with free weights. Choose a weight that will allow you to perform three to four sets of six to 10 repetitions.