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Kids Love National Geographic Kids Almanac for Its Facts and Photos


National Geographic Kids Almanac 2016 is an excellent book for kids who love facts in small bites, along with lots of related color photographs. The almanac covers a wide variety of subjects and activities that appeal to young readers 8 to 14. While kids will be attracted to the book by its many photographs and catchy topics, parents will be delighted with the educational content.

The Contents and Format of the Almanac

The National Geographic Kids Almanac 2016 is divided into 10 main categories, each of which is divided into 3 to 14 subcategories.

The main categories are:
  • Your World 2016
  • Awesome Adventure
  • Amazing Animals
  • Super Science
  • Wonders of Nature
  • Fun and Games
  • Culture Connection
  • Going Green
  • History Happens
  • Geography Rocks.

To give you an idea of subcategories, here are the subcategories for Geography Rocks, which is 83 pages long: Maps, Continents, Countries, United States, U.S. Territories and The Capital, Travel and More For You, the final subcategory, which includes a Geography Rocks Quiz and information on finding your way around using map symbols.

Kids will enjoy learning with the National Geographic Kids Almanac 2016.

In addition to all of the colorfully illustrated interesting information, some of the things I particularly like about the almanac include: Tips on what it takes for certain professions (geologist, paleontologist, travel writer, nature photographer), the quizzes for each category and the Homework Help, with tips on preparing effective essays, animal reports, letters and oral reports. I also appreciated the use of scientific terms and the clear explanation of what they mean.

The book provides lots of opportunities for young readers to expand their vocabularies and knowledge. There are tips on eco-friendly actions and DIY activities, from planting a butterfly garden to making a 3-D Valentine, as well as an entire section of games and related activities.

Digital Extras

Kids can get access to digital extras by unscrambling the clues scattered throughout the book. The extras include animal videos, photos, games and more. If your kids don't have access to a mobile device, they can use a computer to go to the special website.

Why Do I Particularly Recommend the Almanac for Boys and Reluctant Readers

Research has shown that boys are more apt to be reluctant readers than girls and that boys particularly enjoy nonfiction. Both because of the contents and how it's presented, the book should have particular appeal to boys and reluctant readers. It will also appeal to many boys and girls who are enthusiastic readers; it's a well-designed entertaining book.

There are lots of illustrations and the information that accompanies them is generally presented in short, easy to digest, chunks. It's not a book to read through so much as a book to dip into to find interesting facts and photos. For this reason, I’ve added it to my article Dipping – A Good Strategy to Engage Reluctant Readers.

National Geographic Kids Almanac 2016 is a fascinating book, with much to interest kids (and their families). I recommend the book for kids between the ages of 8 and 14, although some kids on either side of that age range may also like, and benefit from, the book. (National Geographic Society, 2015. Paperback edition ISBN: 9781426319211)

More Recommended Informational Books

The Scientists in the Field series is a popular series of nonfiction books about variety of different types of scientists and the fieldwork they do. Books in the middle grade series include: Digging for Bird-Dinosaurs, Kakapo Rescue: Saving the World's Strangest Parrot, The Wildlife Detectives and The Snake Scientist.

If your kids enjoy hands-on science activities, see my article about the Best Children’s Books of Science Experiments and my book reviews of TIME For Kids Big Book of Science Experiments: A Step-by-Step Guide and The Book of Totally Irresponsible Science: 64 Daring Experiments for Young Scientists.

One of the best sources of excellent informational books for kids is the Robert F. Sibert Informational Book Award winners. Take a look at some of the recent winners, including the 2015 Sibert Award winners, 2014 Sibert Award winners and 2013 Sibert Award Winners.

If your kids love sports and world records of all kinds, include wacky ones, they'll probably get a kick out of the latest edition of Guinness World Records, a book that also appeals to teens and adults. Have fun discovering the world records in a huge number of different categories, some of which will make you laugh.

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