Thematic Map Uses
- Thematic maps can be created to record how certain cities or districts voted in the past election. The thematic map can be color-coded to show how strong a percentage of the population voted for a particular party. This can help candidates identify where their strongest support bases are and what may be the borderline battleground areas for the next election.
- Retailers can use thematic maps to track where their customer base is located at. The map can be color-coded to indicate the dollar value of sales for that store in each specified area on the map. This can help a retailer determine if they might want to open a second location to service a high sales area that they might risk losing to competition.
- For companies, such as cable and phone service providers, knowing how much of the market is covered by themselves and their competition is beneficial. The thematic map can be set up to be color-coded to indicate regions where they have coverage, the competition has coverage and areas where both have coverage. This can aid in strategic decisions on where to expand.
- Various different thematic maps can be created to track demographics in an area. Statistics, such as age, average distance to commute to work and average number of children can be used by different service providers. Gas stations may want to locate new stores near people that have the longest commutes. Assisted living facilities may wish to locate near where the population is significantly older than surrounding areas and indoor play areas may wish to locate in an area where large families are located.