Russian Monuments
Russian monuments.Palace. Russia. Moscow image by Viacheslav Anyakin from Fotolia.comRussia proudly displays an array of monuments built in memory of the events and citizens that shaped its long history, especially in St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad). Many monuments commemorate the...
Globe Line
Park Street Shakespeare's London Globe Theatre Location - Park Street Globe Theatre
London Lion Scarf
Stitch and Bitch London, a friendly knitting group, held a Trafalgar Square Lion Scarf Appeal to raise money for Cancer Research UK
What You Should and Shouldn't Buy on Your Trip to Russia
Russia can be a shopping lover's heaven, but there are also some things which are not worth buying in Russia because they are overpriced or just not worth the hassle. Find out what to buy and what not to buy during your trip!
How to Install an RV TV Antenna
Many RVs come with televisions, or people add them to their unit for entertainment. Sometimes having a TV is useful, especially when bad weather is approaching so you know the storm warnings in the area. If you do not use a satellite dish, you'll need a TV antenna to pick up local channels. With th
You can't pay cash on London buses so what are your options?
From 6 July 2014, you can no longer pay cash on a London bus. Read on to find out about the alternatives.
Camino de Santiago Day 22
Pictures from Camino de Santiago Day 22
Find out about the BFI London Film Festival 2014
The BFI London Film Festival showcases the best new films from the around the world, but what makes it different from other European film festivals is that it is not just for film industry people. Tickets are available for all festival screenings for everyone.
Ice Age Art
Ice Age Art is at the British Museum from 7 February to 26 May 2013.
Barcelona - Seville - Barcelona Itinerary 1
Barcelona to Seville itinerary - Barcelona to Seville and back again without covering the same ground twice: Barcelona, Madrid, Seville, Granada, Valencia, Barcelona. Ideal route for Inter Rail or Eurail travelers.
8 Things that Will Annoy You in Russia
Traveling to Eastern Europe in general, and Russia in particular, means running into some not-so-pleasant situations, from the mildly annoying to the extremely frustrated. Read this article to be prepared for any problems you might run into in advance!
Prospect of Whitby
The Prospect of Whitby is London's oldest riverside pub and dates back to 1520, according to a sign outside the building.
Metro Opera
Metro Opera. What to do around the Opera metro station in Madrid.
Amsterdam's Spui Art Market
See a picture of Amsterdam's Spui Art Market, an open-air gallery featuring the work of up to 25 artists at a time.
Building Site
London Olympic Park (March 2010)
De Condomerie - Specialist Condom Shop
De Condomerie is the world's first specialist condom shop, located - where else? - in the Red-Light District of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Buses & Trains to Valencia for the Tomatina Tomato Fight
Details of buses and train to Valencia for the Tomatina Tomato Fight. Find out when there are buses for the Tomatina Tomato Fight in Buñol, Valencia, in August.
Flights to Gibraltar
Details of Flights to Gibraltar from the UK.
Let's Go London on a Budget
Review of the Let's Go London (on a Budget) travel guidebook. This book is aimed at budget travelers and has many interesting tips although not all are accurate.