Thankful All Month Long
Being thankful for all that we have is not always easy to do. It is cold out, the days seem short, and there is always something else that needs done. But challenge yourself and your twins to think of at least one thing you are thankful for each day and write it down, you will be amazed at what you
Apple Tree
Long time ago, there was a huge apple tree. A little boy loved to come every day, he climbed to pick apples to eat, sleep in the shade. He loved the apple tree and loved to play with him.
Search For Free Family Day Out To Save Money
Family day outings are one of the best and greatest entertainment sources in order to enjoy with families but can considered as a tough one of the financial aspects of family. There are a number ...
Anything Can Happen - Planes Fall From the Sky
I had fought most of my life against my family credo - the world is dangerous place, anything can happen. We knew this because it happened to us.
Boost Your Child's Brainpower by Simply Letting Them Spend More Time on a Playground - Part 1
We all know kids love playgrounds. Now, research shows that playing on the playground can boost brainpower too! Playing has been linked to emotional, social, motor and cognitive development. Playgrounds facilitate the benefits of pure, spontaneous and active free play.
Graco Play Yard Review
A Graco play yard is portable and easy to use. It is also very convenient, even if you have a full size crib at home. It is simple to assemble and does not take up much room.
Pack N Plays and Playards
When it comes time to decide on whether or not to register for or purchase a Pack N Play the answer is YES! This is a must for parents who still want to be able ...
The Benefits of Getting Your Kids a Laptop
Children are masters of learning even when they are very young. Skills we take for granted all have to be learned from scratch as babies and toddlers - walking, talking, learning how to communicate with people in different ways, and discovering what various things do.
Take Advantage of Tax-Free Shopping in Iowa
Iowa's Tax Free Weekend 2015 is scheduled for this August. Get the dates, find out what purchases qualify, and access smart shopping tips.
Therapy or Gas Chamber?
I went to see the child psychologist with my daughter last week. You would have thought I was taking her to the gas chamber. I had decided not to tell her we would be going in light of her argumentative ways and only told her when she asked why I was home from work.
What Would Be A Great Baby Shower Gift For The New Dad?
While it is a given that new dads really don't want to open a gift and find breast pumps or diapers, there has got to be something that they can find in that gift box that they will not only appreciate but will use as well. But what would that perfect gift be?
Angel Eden
Abi is a mom of three who wanted her blog to be an outlet aside from the jewelry business she runs with her mom. Angel Eden is updated every two days.
Are You Raising Bratty Kids?
Jeffrey consulted with me because his three-year old son, Jason, was hitting and having temper tantrums. Jeffrey was mystified because he and his wife, Collette, had never hit or yelled at Jason. Jeffrey and Collette were very careful to respect Jason's feelings and needs and could not understa
About How to Predict the Gender Of Your Baby
The only way to obtain accurate estimates of baby gender predictor is through a medical test done. A chorionic villus sampling test sample can accurately predict the sex of the child.
Five Parenting Tips from the Movie Mary Poppins
Five parenting tips from Mary Poppins to make your life a little more magical
Important Considerations When Choosing Baby Clothes Overalls
Baby clothes overalls are amongst the most important items that every soon-to-be mom must have. Not only that this type of clothing can protect newly born babies, but it can also provide them with additional ...
10 Tips For Choosing Storybooks Children Will Love
Are you overwhelmed by the amount of storybooks available for young children in the library or bookstore? Perhaps you are out of touch with modern authors and what young kids read nowadays. Follow my ten simple tips and you'll be choosing storybooks children will be eager to read. Help a child
Benefits of Humidifiers for Babies
Humidifiers for babies are a valuable asset to the nursery. With the many brands and models available, there is one for every budget. There are many benefits to using a humidifier for your baby.
How to Potty Train One Year Old Boys and Girls
Potty training is an experience that some parents may find extremely frustrating as it can take time and effort mixed with creativity. However potty training a one year old child, whether boy or girl does not have to be a bad experience and it can easily become something that you can enjoy doing wi
Buyer Beware! What You Need to Know Before You Buy Baby Clothes
You are expecting a baby! There are few events in your life that will be as profoundly sacred and joyous as the day you welcome your new bundle of joy into your family. What baby clothes look great and are best for baby and parent.