Dealing With Prostate Cancer
This article on prostate cancer discusses risk factors, detection and treatment of a disease that kills thousands of men every year.
Treatment of Stage I and II Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer
Of the more than 150,000 patients diagnosed with non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in the United States each year, a woeful minority will present with stage I or II disease as defined by the TNM staging system of the American Joint Commission on Cancer(AJCC).
Correlates of 'BRCAness' in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
What is the effect of conventional-dose chemotherapy in patients with this so-called BRCA1-like profile?
Unresolved Issues in Endometrial Cancer
Although the treatment of endometrial cancer is becoming increasingly evidence based, there remains a lack of consensus in several aspects of management.
Breast Cancer Death Symptoms
The most advanced form is metastatic or stage IV breast cancer that is extremely life-threatening. Many patients in that phase ultimately depart this world, since it then becomes incurable almost in all of the cases. As the studies reveal, about 1 to 3 percent of the patients in this stage recover.
Breast Cancer Radiation Has Become Safer
There's a new sign that breast cancer radiation treatment is safer than ever. Fewer women than in the past died of heart disease within 15 years of receiving radiation treatment for breast cancer, a new study indicates.
The Diet and Lifestyle For Breast Cancer
Approximately 200,000 American women will be detected with breast cancer this year. At present, the life span weird are one in seven. However latest examination in nutritional medicine has showed that converting your diet could decrease your danger by up to 80%.
Blood Disorder Types, Symptoms, and Treatments
WebMD explains different types of blood disorders and their causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.
Prostate Cancer Alternative Treatment
All prostate cancer patients should look at using a prostate cancer alternative treatment.
Causes of a Spastic Colon
Spastic colon---also known as irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS---is a common condition resulting in abdominal cramping, bloating, diarrhea and/or constipation. Although the cause of spastic colon is unknown, doctors have discovered that the colon (large intestine) seems to be more sensitive in peopl
Neversmoker: 'Cigarettes Will Kill Me'
Linda Wenger, Executive Director, Uniting Against Lung Cancer, talks about why lung cancer gets no respect from the general public or corporate world -- and what this means to lung cancer patients.
Journal Article: Challenges Associated with HNPCC
Cancer research - journal article. Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Carcinoma (HNPCC) and HNPCC-Like Families: Problems in Diagnosis, Surveillance, and Management. January 2004.
How Checking Your PSA Levels on Time Can Save Your Life
Medicine may have evolved tremendously in the last decade but the number and intensity of diseases has also evolved, giving people more reasons to be worried and anxious about their health. It is good practice ...
Cervical Cancer Treatment (PDQ®): Treatment - Health Professional Information [NCI]-Stage Informatio
Cervical carcinoma has its origins at the squamous-columnar junction whether in the endocervical canal or on the portion of the cervix. The precursor lesion is dysplasia or carcinoma in situ (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia [CIN]), which can subsequently become invasive cancer. This process can b
Keeping away human body from cancer
At least one-third of all cancer cases are preventable. Cancer can be preventative by avoiding intake of tobacco, eating healthy diet, by maintaining weight.
Skin Cancer - Melanoma - 2
In the first part of this article about Melanoma, we learned about what is Melanoma and what are the causes. In this part we will find out about symptoms of Melanoma.
Reduce Your Risk! Seven Simple Ways to Prevent Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is a diagnosis no man wants to get, but it is largely avoidable if one is willing to give up certain popular dietary habits. Exercise and avoidance of toxic environmental chemicals are also factors in lowering risk of this dreaded disease. The trouble is, few of us want to do anythin
Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma
Learn about the causes, symptoms, and treatment of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, a blood cancer.
When I Was Told That I Had Stomach Cancer
I was a student in Portsmouth for four years, and, like most students, I didn't look after myself like I should have done. I drank too much alcohol, ate too much spicy food and burned ...
Colon Cleansing Foods
The overall consensus among the medical fraternity today is that a plant-based diet is best for reducing colon cancer risks. This type of diet has proven benefits for a healthy colon. Fiber should be an important constituent of one's diet. Vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, seeds and whole grains