Building a Prosperous Business - Success Mindset Formulas
In developing this series, sometimes I have wanted to write it all out and explain things in detail and sometimes the detail actually obscures the point.
So here are some formulas in bullet points to capture the essence of areas already covered and several from those to come.
Just like any other recipe - you will need to experiment to find just the right combination for yourself and of course, season to taste.
Three things to guarantee success * Willingness to learn * Desire to Change * Commitment to take action Writing and Presenting * Tell them what you are going to tell them * Tell them * Tell them what you told them * This is a simple formula - use it and learn to write long essays, novels, powerpoints and it will give you confidence as a speaker.
Don't get too complicated or over think things Responsive Listeners * The brain responds to rhythms/cadences * Break everything into 1, 3 or 5 points - have you noticed that lower prime number have a special quality to them - listening, rhythm, people's lucky numbers, bad luck (13).
Don't know why - just know it resonates.
* No more than 5 or you lose the listener (like the server with 7 "daily" specials at the restaurant).
* Stick with three - most powerful training has three * If you have more - recombine them into larger groupings * The best sales person is the BEST listener NOT the best talker How to Speak * 80% of ALL communications is NON-verbal * When your on the phone - your voice is 100% of the conversation NOT 20% - so give it the ooommpph it needs to tell the story * Your choice of words tells the listener about you * Our language is embedded w/negative messages - listen to yourself, listen to commercials, listen to your friends, most frightening - listen to your kids.
We had it done to us, we do it and then we do it to others - break the cycle.
* Be positive and solutions oriented in expressing yourself - anyone can tear down - stand out from the crowd * Successful people make probing questions about themselves * Unsuccessful people make statements that erode themselves personally How Do Build A Business Reality Shift * Develop forward momentum * Maintain Consistency * Build your Skill Set * Do Presentations * Never stop talking to People Develop Respect - Communicate Personal Responsibility * NO stories - be a model for the listener * There is ALWAYS a choice * There is ALWAYS a solution * Let the listener know YOUR choices * Let them MAKE theirs and ACCEPT responsibility What it Takes to Change * DON'T ever look back - Learn from where you've been * GET out of your comfort zone - Make a lot of money * STAY in your comfort zone - Make a little money * We all know that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
Five things to build a good business * Be an enthusiastic user of your product(s) * Generate Leads * Quickly convert leads * Help others fulfill what was promised * Teach other people in your organization to do the same thing
So here are some formulas in bullet points to capture the essence of areas already covered and several from those to come.
Just like any other recipe - you will need to experiment to find just the right combination for yourself and of course, season to taste.
Three things to guarantee success * Willingness to learn * Desire to Change * Commitment to take action Writing and Presenting * Tell them what you are going to tell them * Tell them * Tell them what you told them * This is a simple formula - use it and learn to write long essays, novels, powerpoints and it will give you confidence as a speaker.
Don't get too complicated or over think things Responsive Listeners * The brain responds to rhythms/cadences * Break everything into 1, 3 or 5 points - have you noticed that lower prime number have a special quality to them - listening, rhythm, people's lucky numbers, bad luck (13).
Don't know why - just know it resonates.
* No more than 5 or you lose the listener (like the server with 7 "daily" specials at the restaurant).
* Stick with three - most powerful training has three * If you have more - recombine them into larger groupings * The best sales person is the BEST listener NOT the best talker How to Speak * 80% of ALL communications is NON-verbal * When your on the phone - your voice is 100% of the conversation NOT 20% - so give it the ooommpph it needs to tell the story * Your choice of words tells the listener about you * Our language is embedded w/negative messages - listen to yourself, listen to commercials, listen to your friends, most frightening - listen to your kids.
We had it done to us, we do it and then we do it to others - break the cycle.
* Be positive and solutions oriented in expressing yourself - anyone can tear down - stand out from the crowd * Successful people make probing questions about themselves * Unsuccessful people make statements that erode themselves personally How Do Build A Business Reality Shift * Develop forward momentum * Maintain Consistency * Build your Skill Set * Do Presentations * Never stop talking to People Develop Respect - Communicate Personal Responsibility * NO stories - be a model for the listener * There is ALWAYS a choice * There is ALWAYS a solution * Let the listener know YOUR choices * Let them MAKE theirs and ACCEPT responsibility What it Takes to Change * DON'T ever look back - Learn from where you've been * GET out of your comfort zone - Make a lot of money * STAY in your comfort zone - Make a little money * We all know that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
Five things to build a good business * Be an enthusiastic user of your product(s) * Generate Leads * Quickly convert leads * Help others fulfill what was promised * Teach other people in your organization to do the same thing