Health & Medical Women's Health

Isoflavone Clover Extract - A New Medicine For Treating Hot Flashes

For years, hot flashes have been regarded as the problem area for those women who have reached their menopause, at the end of their reproductive life.
These problems are triggered by the reason which is the decline in the level of estrogen and progesterone in the body.
For years researches have been carried out searching the proper remedies, and in fact there are lots of treatments available too; but no one treatment has been regarded as the definitive one as well as safe for all women to use.
It has been said that phytoestrogens which is found in the plants and have similar composition like human estrogen is successful in many cases for preventing the symptoms.
But still, there is a long way to go before we find out that phytoestrogens are really good for fighting these menopausal symptoms and what is the way in which these actually work.
Recently researches carried out in this field found out that the phytoestrogen Isoflavone Clover Extract (ICE) has been good in relieving the hot flashes in the menopausal women.
The study that was carried out in USA, had three separate medical centers as participants and studied the cases of 252 menopausal women all of whom were suffering from at least 35 hot flashes in every week.
These women were given clover supplements such as Promensil, phytoestrogen, Rimostil and another identical placebo having Isoflavone Clover Extract and were checked regularly for a 12 week period.
They were asked to keep a note of the hot flashes that they were experiencing during this time.
After the period of 12 weeks it was found that the women had shown improvements in their problem.
Those who had Promensil experienced 5.
1% reduction in the occurrences and those who took Rimostil had 5.
4% reduction.
Thus it became quite evident that though in small amount yet Isoflavone Clover Extract do have the power to bring an improvement in the symptom of hot flashes.
Thus for women who are suffering from this problem, it is indeed a ray of hope.
The phytoestrogen Isoflavone Clover Extract which is a natural treatment for this problem has been proved to be clinically effective too, which means that further research in this field might lead to more effective treatments.
Researchers have also noted that there are other types of phytoestrogents too other than Isoflavone Clover Extract which might be effective for the treatment of hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms.

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