For Debt Settlement Success - Stop Debt Collectors
The number one killer of a debt settlement/credit card settlement strategy is debt collection calls.
The only power debt collectors have are their words and most are quite skillful in using them.
They are experts at getting people to question their strategy, all in an attempt at squeezing whatever money is available in their direction.
Stop debt collectors and your chances of settling your debt increase ten fold.
So how do you stop debt collectors from interfering with your debt settlement strategy? Simple, don't speak to them.
Here is the rule of thumb.
There is nothing a debt collector has to say that you want to hear, so why give them the opportunity.
The only time you may want to speak to a debt collector is when you are ready to settle the debt, but even then, a phone conversation is rarely necessary.
Is putting an end to debt collector calls easier said than done? Not at all.
The old way was to just not answer the phone and let the answering machine pick up.
But that causes stress in itself and can also lead to embarrassment.
Another method is to use caller id and only answer the calls you want.
But that to can lead to anxious moments.
Some people change their phone number and make themselves inaccessible, but that can lead to an account being turned over to legal.
The better solution is to block the calls you don't want.
There are a number of ways to do it.
You can purchase a phone system that will allow you to enter numbers to be blocked.
Panasonic makes a few units that do the job.
But there is a problem with this approach.
First, the units only allow you to input a certain amount of phone numbers, usually 20.
This is limiting.
Second, your phone will still ring once and then be blocked.
Third, the caller knows they are being blocked and this can lead to the account being turned over to an attorney.
Another approach is to do it through the phone company.
There are problems with this method.
First, they charge a monthly fee.
Second, they usually won't block business numbers.
And third, the caller knows they are being blocked.
We found an even better answer.
A small unit called the Debt Call Blocking System that attaches to your phone line and essentially controls the ring and stops debt collectors in their tracks.
It lets you program up to 70 numbers to clock and you can block whole numbers or partial.
For instance, you can block all '800′ numbers and it only counts as one entry.
It also gives you features like allowing you to maintain lists of numbers that you want to always allow to go through or go through during certain times.
With the blocking feature, your phone never rings.
The caller hears the phone ringing on their end, but your phone is silent.
It is by far the most powerful product for blocking debt collectors calls.
It achieves exactly what you want- control of your phone without the inconvenience, embarrassment, and stress of having your phone ring at all hours and never knowing who's on the other end.
And it keeps the account in the hands of the debt collector and away from the lawyers.
The bottom line, if you can control your telephone during the debt settlement process, your chances of success are greatly improved.
The only power debt collectors have are their words and most are quite skillful in using them.
They are experts at getting people to question their strategy, all in an attempt at squeezing whatever money is available in their direction.
Stop debt collectors and your chances of settling your debt increase ten fold.
So how do you stop debt collectors from interfering with your debt settlement strategy? Simple, don't speak to them.
Here is the rule of thumb.
There is nothing a debt collector has to say that you want to hear, so why give them the opportunity.
The only time you may want to speak to a debt collector is when you are ready to settle the debt, but even then, a phone conversation is rarely necessary.
Is putting an end to debt collector calls easier said than done? Not at all.
The old way was to just not answer the phone and let the answering machine pick up.
But that causes stress in itself and can also lead to embarrassment.
Another method is to use caller id and only answer the calls you want.
But that to can lead to anxious moments.
Some people change their phone number and make themselves inaccessible, but that can lead to an account being turned over to legal.
The better solution is to block the calls you don't want.
There are a number of ways to do it.
You can purchase a phone system that will allow you to enter numbers to be blocked.
Panasonic makes a few units that do the job.
But there is a problem with this approach.
First, the units only allow you to input a certain amount of phone numbers, usually 20.
This is limiting.
Second, your phone will still ring once and then be blocked.
Third, the caller knows they are being blocked and this can lead to the account being turned over to an attorney.
Another approach is to do it through the phone company.
There are problems with this method.
First, they charge a monthly fee.
Second, they usually won't block business numbers.
And third, the caller knows they are being blocked.
We found an even better answer.
A small unit called the Debt Call Blocking System that attaches to your phone line and essentially controls the ring and stops debt collectors in their tracks.
It lets you program up to 70 numbers to clock and you can block whole numbers or partial.
For instance, you can block all '800′ numbers and it only counts as one entry.
It also gives you features like allowing you to maintain lists of numbers that you want to always allow to go through or go through during certain times.
With the blocking feature, your phone never rings.
The caller hears the phone ringing on their end, but your phone is silent.
It is by far the most powerful product for blocking debt collectors calls.
It achieves exactly what you want- control of your phone without the inconvenience, embarrassment, and stress of having your phone ring at all hours and never knowing who's on the other end.
And it keeps the account in the hands of the debt collector and away from the lawyers.
The bottom line, if you can control your telephone during the debt settlement process, your chances of success are greatly improved.