Health & Medical Women's Health

Yeast Infection - Get Rid of a Candida Infection Easily

Yeast is a fungus. Fungus thrives and lives in moist, damn and warm areas like the mouth and vagina. We have yeast living on our body in small numbers. When this number outgrows, it causes infection. It causes rashes and irritation.

Tea Tree Oil- I would not recommend undiluted tea tree oil because this can cause inflammation and may cause severe reaction especially if you are going to apply it in your vagina. Dilute tea tree oil with a few drops of olive oil. A few drops of the concoction poured on a tampon will provide instant relief from the itch. It will also help stop the infection because of its antifungal properties.

Use some Garlic: Using a garlic clove, make sure it is peeled but make sure not to break it open as garlic juice can burn the inside of the vagina. Wrap the clove in a small amount of cheesecloth or muslin. Insert the clove into the vagina and leave it in over night while you sleep, attaching a piece of floss to the clove can make its removal from the vagina easier.

It has been found that garlic can be used to treat a yeast infection. It is simple to use. You can take garlic both orally or use it in your vagina. Placing a clove of garlic in your vagina will help clear up the infection. Place a clove of garlic in your vagina every few hours for the first few days. You can also take this orally either by crushing a clove of garlic and swallowing it with water or taking a garlic tablet. Taking garlic orally everyday can keep a candida infection from starting.

Vinegar: Take a cup of vinegar and mix with your bath water. Soak yourself in this to get soothing effects. It is important to dilute because vagina is a sensitive area. Concentrated products can sting and harm it further.

Using yogurt is also very effective. Yogurt contains some acidophiles which are considered to be "good bacteria" that will produce hydrogen peroxide to restore neutrality to the vagina. This will inhibit the growth of candida albicans and thus relief you of your symptoms.

CAUTION: Do not use this home remedy if you are allergic to baking soda or have less strength in your stomach to digest it.

Additional Tip: If you experience irritation in the affected area, cool a teabag in a refrigerator, dampen it up and apply it onto the affected part for instant relief from the irritation.

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