Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

How to Deal with Itchy Skin with Natural Means

Almost everyone has had itchy skin at one time. We often just deal with it or apply some lotion and it goes away. Other times it is more severe and doesn't seem to respond to creams. There are many herbal remedies for itching to consider when you are looking for solutions. Here are just a few natural ingredients you can use to prevent irritation and offer relief.

One great herb is Witch Hazel. It has the qualities of an astringent and relieves the itchiness caused by psoriasis and eczema. You can also use it for sunburns because of its anti-oxidant properties. For the best result, try fresh witch hazel bark. Set a pint of water and one ounce of the bark to simmer, and then leave it around twenty minutes and straing it. Always remember to let anything you simmer cool down before applying to your skin. Put a wash cloth in the mixture and apply to the skin. You can also check for witch hazel that is prepared in advance but it may not have the concentration level your skin can utilize.

Aloe Vera is also readily available and used to relieve skin problems including wounds, burns and acne. It is useful for it's anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties. It's anti-inflammatory properties can help with the sensation of itching. Often people with rashes are not so frustrated when the itchy sensations are gone, despite still having skin redness. It also many including vitamins C and E, and zinc. The gel can be bought at health food stores or taken directly from the plant itself.

Chamomile can be used to treat psoriasis, eczema, and sunburns. Many people use it for sleep problems as well. Do not use chamomile if you have allergies to grass or ragweed as you may find yourself having a similar response. Oatmeal baths are also a classic way to relax itching so add this to your list as well. With any bath you take for a rash, be sure the water isn't hot but only warm.

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