Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Bleeding Hemorrhoids - Effective Treatments For The Condition

Bleeding hemorrhoids is one of the most prevalent symptoms that would suggest the presence of the condition.
Bleeding can happen regardless if the marble-like feature is located inside or outside the anal or rectal area.
External hemorrhoids may bleed once they are rubbed or touched after defecating.
Internal hemorrhoids, on the other hand may bleed when the sufferer has very hard stools.
If your hemorrhoids are bleeding especially during bowel movements, it is always advised to consult a physician to rule out other serious causes of bleeding in the anal region.
Effective ways to stop bleeding hemorrhoids at home While immediate medical consultation is necessary, there are also effective steps that you can perform to stop hemorrhoids from bleeding even in the comforts of your own home.
This entails the use of easy to find home solutions including: • Apple Cider Vinegar This home available solution has been proven to be effective in treating hemorrhoids that are bleeding.
Its antiseptic properties make it an efficient cleanser that can also help stop bleeding of this marble-like thing hanging in your anus.
You can use it as a compress to the affected area or consume it orally.
If you opt for oral consumption, mix one teaspoon of vinegar to a cup of water to make an effective liquid preparation to stop hemorrhoid from bleeding.
• Witch Hazel Extract This natural solution is known for its anti-inflammatory properties.
This explains why you often see witch hazel in the list of ingredients of many hemorrhoidal creams and lotions.
It also helps in eliminating moisture in the hemorrhoid affected area, resulting to faster healing of hemorrhoids.
To use this solution to stop the bleeding, you need to boil the leaves and the bark of the witch hazel plant and afterwards use the liquid as topical treatment to the hemorrhoid.
• Grape Seed Oil Extract and oil from grape seed are rich in flavonoids and proanthocyandin, which are substances that help diminish the amount of collected blood within the blood vessels.
This makes it an all-natural treatment for hemorrhoids that are oozing blood.
Its organic steroid components help in reducing swelling and discomfort, which helps in effectively managing severe hemorrhoid cases.
Along with impeding the bleeding, it is also important to reduce the pain that comes with the condition.
This can be done by applying cold compress over the hemorrhoid-affected area several times each day.
Medical procedure to stop hemorrhoids from bleeding While home remedies for hemorrhoid can relatively help in stop it from bleeding, surgical procedure to immediately stop the bleeding is also available.
Referred to as injection sclerotherapy, this treatment is performed by injecting a pharmaceutically-prepared solution to stop the bleeding by eliminating the hemorrhoid without forming any scar on the area.
Treatment of bleeding hemorrhoids can be achieved through conventional medical approach and all-natural home treatment for hemorrhoids, or the combination of both.
It basically depends on your choice which between the two you desire to gain relief from.
At the end of the day, the most important thing is to get out from the exasperating condition that hemorrhoids, bleeding or not can bring!

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